Power to defray certain expenses.
5.—The Board may as part of their working expenses make reasonable payments out of the Port Fund for or in connection with—
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(a) the reception of and extending of hospitality to members, directors or officers of other port or harbour authorities or of any public authority or body or any company having interests of a professional or business character similar to the interests of the Board or with whom the Board have or contemplate having professional or business relations; and
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(b) visits by way of official courtesy by or on behalf of the Board to any such authority, body or company as aforesaid
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including payments for travelling expenses and other expenses reasonably incurred by or on behalf of any member or officer of the Board in connection with any of the matters aforesaid: Provided that the Board shall not in respect of any period of twelve months ending on the 31st day of December expend under the powers of this section any greater sum in the whole than five hundred pounds.