Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1964

Increase of rates of widows' (non-contributory) pensions.

4.—(1) Section 20 (inserted by the Act of 1952) of the Act of 1935 is hereby amended by—

(a) the substitution of “exceed one hundred and ninety-five pounds and fifteen shillings” for “exceed one hundred and eighty-two pounds and fifteen shillings” in paragraph (b) (inserted by the Social Welfare (Miscellananeous Provisions) Act, 1962 ) of subsection (1),

(b) the substitution of “two hundred and eight pounds and fifteen shillings” for “one hundred and ninety-five pounds and fifteen shillings” and “six shillings” for “eight shillings and sixpence” (inserted by the Act of 1963) in subparagraph (i) of the said paragraph (b),

(c) the substitution of “one hundred and eighty-two pounds and fifteen shillings” for “one hundred and sixty-nine pounds and fifteen shillings”, “one hundred and ninety-five pounds and fifteen shillings” for “one hundred and eighty-two pounds and fifteen shillings”, “one hundred and eighty-two pounds, fifteen shillings and one penny” for “one hundred and sixty-nine pounds, fifteen shillings and one penny” and “six shillings” for “eight shillings and sixpence” (inserted by the Act of 1963) in subparagraph (ii) of the said paragraph (b), and

(d) the substitution for Table B of the following Table:


Weekly Rates of Widows' (Non-Contributory) Pensions

Means of Widow

Widow, no qualified child

Widow, one qualified child

Widow, two or more qualified children





s. d.

s. d.

s. d.


Plus, where there are more than two qualified children, five shillings for each qualified child in excess of two.

Where the yearly means of the widow, as duly calculated—do not exceed £52 10s. 0d.

36 0

46 0

56 0

exceed £52 10s. 0d. but do not exceed £65 10s. 0d.

31 0

41 0

51 0

exceed £65 10s. 0d. but do not exceed £78 10s. 0d.

26 0

36 0

46 0

exceed £78 10s. 0d. but do not exceed £104 15s. 0d.

21 0

31 0

41 0

exceed £104 15s. 0d. but do not exceed £117 15s. 0d.

16 0

26 0

36 0

exceed £117 15s. 0d. but do not exceed £130 15s. 0d.

11 0

21 0

31 0

exceed £130 15s. 0d. but do not exceed £143 15s. 0d.

6 0

16 0

26 0

exceed £143 15s. 0d. but do not exceed £156 15s. 0d.

No pension

11 0

21 0

exceed £156 15s. 0d. but do not exceed £169 15s. 0d.

No pension

6 0

16 0

exceed £169 15s. 0d. but do not exceed £182 15s. 0d.

No pension

No pension

11 0

exceed £182 15s. 0d. but do not exceed £195 15s. 0d.

No pension

No pension

6 0


(2) Subsection (1) of this section shall come into operation on the 1st day of August, 1964.