S.I. No. 246/1970 - County Borough of Cork (Wards) Regulations, 1970.

S.I. No. 246 of 1970.


The Minister for Local Government in exercise of the powers conferred on him by section 88 of the Electoral Act, 1963 , (No. 19 of 1963) hereby makes the following Regulations:—

1. These Regulations may be cited as the County Borough of Cork (Wards) Regulations, 1970.

2. These Regulations shall come into force on the 15th day of April, 1971.

3. In these Regulations "the County Borough" means the County Borough of Cork.

4. The County Borough shall be divided into the wards specified in the Schedule to these Regulations.

5. (1) Each ward shall consist of the area described in the third column of the Schedule to these Regulations opposite the name and number of such ward.

(2) In the Schedule to these Regulations—

( a ) a reference to a line drawn along any road, river, pathway, street or bridge, shall be construed as a reference to a line drawn along the centre of such road, river, pathway, street or bridge;

( b ) a reference to the point at which any road, river, pathway, street or bridge, is said to intersect or to join any road, river, pathway, street or bridge, shall be construed as a reference to the point at which a line drawn along the centre of the one would be intersected or joined by a line drawn along the centre of the other;

( c ) a reference to a point at which any road, river or street intersects or joins a boundary shall be construed as a reference to the point at which a line drawn along the middle of such road, river or street would intersect or join such boundary;

( d ) the expression "the County Borough boundary" means the boundary of the County Borough of Cork at the date of these Regulations.


Name of Ward

Number of Ward

Description of Ward

Ballinlough A


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Boreenmanagh Road and Wallace's Avenue; thence in a southerly direction along Wallace's Avenue to its junction with Ballinlough Road; thence in a westerly direction along Ballinlough Road to its junction with Bellair Estate; thence commencing in a southerly direction and proceeding along Bellair Estate to its junction with Douglas Road; thence in a north-westerly direction along Douglas Road to its junction with the eastern boundary of the former Cork-Bandon railway line; thence in a north-easterly direction along the said boundary to its junction with Boreenmanagh Road; thence in a south-easterly direction along Boreenmanagh Road to the starting point.

Ballinlough B


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Bellair Estate and Ballinlough Road; thence in a south-easterly direction along Ballinlough Road to its junction with Somerton Park; thence in a southerly direction along Somerton Park to its junction with South Lodge Road; thence commencing in a westerly direction and proceeding along South Lodge Road and Browningstown Park West to its junction with Eglantine Park; thence commencing in a westerly direction and proceeding along Eglantine Park to its junction with Douglas Road; thence in a north-westerly direction along Douglas Road to its junction with Bellair Estate; thence in a north-easterly direction along Bellair Estate to the starting point.

Ballinlough C


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Wallace's Avenue and Boreenmanagh Road; thence commencing in an easterly direction and proceeding along Boreenmanagh Road to its junction with Churchyard Lane; thence in a southerly direction along Churchyard Lane to its junction with Ard Mahon Estate; thence in a westerly direction along Ard Mahon Estate and South Lodge Road to its junction with Somerton Park; thence in a northerly direction along Somerton Park to its junction with Ballinlough Road; thence in a north-westerly direction along Ballinlough Road to its junction with Wallace's Avenue; thence in a northerly direction along Wallace's Avenue to the starting point.

Ballyphehane A


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Tory Top Road and Pearse Road; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along Pearse Road to its junction with Lower Friars' Walk; thence in a north-easterly direction along Lower Friars' Walk to its junction with Tory Top Road; thence in a south-easterly direction along Tory Top Road to the starting point.

Ballyphehane B


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Pearse Road and Lower Friars' Walk; thence commencing in an easterly direction and proceeding along Pearse Road to its junction with Curragh Road; thence commencing in a south-easterly direction and proceeding along Curragh Road and Kinsale Road to its junction with Blackash Road; thence in a south-easterly direction along Blackash Road to its intersection by the County Borough boundary; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along the County Borough boundary to its intersection by the imaginary south-easterly projection of Lower Friars' Walk; thence commencing in a north-westerly direction and proceeding along the said imaginary projection and Lower Friar's Walk to the starting point.

Bishopstown A


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the intersection of the River Lee (North Channel) by Thomas Davis Bridge: thence commencing in a south-easterly direction and proceeding along Thomas Davis Bridge and Western Road to its junction with Victoria Cross Road; thence commencing in a westerly direction and proceeding along Victoria Cross Road to its junction with Wilton Road; thence in a south-westerly direction along Wilton Road to its intersection by Model Farm Road; thence commencing in a westerly direction and proceeding along Model Farm Road to its intersection by the County Borough boundary; thence commencing in a north-easterly direction and proceeding along the County Borough boundary to its junction with the River Lee; thence commencing in an easterly direction and proceeding along the County Borough boundary, the River Lee and the River Lee (North Channel) to the starting point.

Bishopstown B


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Model Farm Road and Rossa Avenue; thence commencing in a southerly direction and proceeding along Rossa Avenue to its junction with Curraheen Road; thence in a south-westerly direction along Curraheen Road to its intersection by the County Borough boundary; thence commencing in a northerly direction and proceeding along the County Borough boundary to its intersection by Model Farm Road; thence commencing in a south-easterly direction and proceeding along Model Farm Road to the starting point.

Bishopstown C


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Model Farm Road and Rossa Avenue; thence commencing in an easterly directon and proceeding along Model Farm Road to its junction with Wilton Road; thence in a south-westerly direction along Wilton Road to its junction with Curraheen Road; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along Curraheen Road to its junction with Rossa Avenue; thence commencing in a northerly direction and proceeding along Rossa Avenue to the starting point.

Bishopstown D


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Curraheen Road and Waterfall Road; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along Waterfall Road to its junction with the Bandon road; thence in a southerly direction along the Bandon road to its intersection by the County Borough boundary; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along the County Borough boundary to its intersection by Curraheen Road; thence in a north-easterly direction along Curraheen Road to the starting point.

Bishopstown E


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Glasheen Road and Clashduff Estate ; thence commencing in a south-easterly direction and proceeding along Clashduff Estate to its junction with Glasheen River; thence in a south-westerly direction along Glasheen River to its junction with the County Borough boundary; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along the County Borough boundary to its intersection by the Bandon road ; thence commencing in a northerly direction and proceeding along the Bandon road to its junction with Waterfall Road; thence in a north-easterly direction along Waterfall Road to its junction with Curraheen Road ; thence in a north-easterly direction along Curraheen Road and Glasheen Road to the starting point.

Blackpool A


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Thomas Davis Street and Spring Lane ; thence commencing in a north-easterly direction and proceeding along Spring Lane to its junction with the eastern boundary of the Cork-Dublin railway line ; thence in a south-easterly direction along the said railway boundary to its junction with Assumption Road; thence in a westerly direction along Assumption Road to its junction with Watercourse Road ; thence commencing in a northerly direction and proceeding along Watercourse Road and Thomas Davis Street to the starting point.

Blackpool B


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Assumption Road and Watercourse Road; thence in an easterly direction along Assumption Road to its junction with Rathmore Road; thence commencing in a southerly direction and proceeding along Rathmore Road to its junction with Old Youghal Road; thence in a south-westerly direction along Old Youghal Road to its junction with Audley Place; thence in a southerly direction along Audley Place and St. Patrick's Hill to its junction with Coburg Street ; thence commencing in a north-westerly direction and proceeding along Coburg Street to its junction with Leitrim Street; thence commencing in a north-westerly direction and proceeding along Leitrim Street to its junction with Watercourse Road ; thence commencing in a northerly direction and proceeding along Watercourse Road to the starting point.



That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Ard Mahon Estate and Churchyard Lane; thence in a southerly direction along Churchyard Lane to its junction with Well Road; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along Well Road to its junction with Douglas Road; thence in a north-westerly direction along Douglas Road to its junction with Eglantine Park; thence commencing in a north-easterly direction and proceeding along Eglantine Park to its junction with Browningstown Park West; thence commencing in a northerly direction and proceeding along Browningstown Park West, South Lodge Road and Ard Mahon Estate to the starting point.

Name of Ward

Number of Ward

Description of Ward

Centre A


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the intersection of the River Lee (North Channel) by St. Patrick's Bridge; thence in a south-easterly direction along the River Lee (North Channel) to its junction with the River Lee (South Channel) ; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along the River Lee (South Channel) to its junction with South Gate Bridge; thence in a north-westerly direction along South Gate Bridge and South Main Street to its junction with Washington Street; thence in a north-easterly direction along Washington Street to its juntion with Grand Parade; thence in a north-westerly direction along Grand Parade to its junction with St. Patrick's Street; thence commencing in an easterly direction and proceeding along St. Patrick's Street and St. Patrick's Bridge to the starting point.

Centre B


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the intersection of the River Lee (North Channel) by St. Vincent's Bridge ; thence commencing in a north-easterly direction and proceeding along the River Lee (North Channel) to its intersection by St. Patrick's Bridge; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along St. Patrick's Bridge and St. Patrick's Street to its junction with Grand Parade; thence in a south-easterly direction along Grand Parade to its junction with Washington Street; thence in a south-westerly direction along Washington Street and Washington Street West to its junction with Wood's Street; thence commencing in a north-westerly direction and proceeding along Wood's Street, Prospect Row, Grenville Place and St. Vincent's Bridge to the starting point.



That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Churchfield Avenue and Bantry Park Road; thence in a south-easterly direction along Bantry Park Road to its junction with Knockfree Avenue; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along Knockfree Avenue and Gurranebraher Road to its junction with Templeacre Avenue; thence in a westerly direction along Templeacre Avenue to its junction with Mount Eden Road; thence in a southerly direction along Mount Eden Road to its junction with Cathedral Road; thence in a westerly direction along Cathedral Road to its junction with Bakers Road; thence commencing in a north-westerly direction and proceeding along Bakers Road and Churchfield Avenue to the starting point.

City Hall A


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the intersection of the River Lee (South Channel) by Parnell Bridge; thence in a north-easterly direction along the River Lee (South Channel) to its intersection by the imaginary north-westerly projection of Albert Street; thence in a south-easterly direction along the said imaginary projection and Albert Street to its junction with Gas Works Road; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along Gas Works Road and Rockboro Road to its junction with Old Blackrock Road; thence in a south-westerly direction along Old Blackrock Road to its junction with the eastern boundary of the former Cork-Bandon railway line; thence in a south-westerly direction along the said boundary to the junction with High Street; thence in a north-westerly direction along High Street to its junction with Langford Row; thence commencing in a north-easterly direction and proceeding along Langford Row to its junction with Infirmary Road; thence in a north-easterly direction along Infirmary Road, Anglesea Street and Parnell Bridge to the starting point.

City Hall B


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the intersection of the River Lee (South Channel) by the imaginary north-westerly projection of Victoria Road ; thence in a south-easterly direction along the said imaginary projection and Victoria Road to its junction with Old Blackrock Road ; thence in a south-westerly direction along Old Blackrock Road to its junction with Victoria Avenue; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along Victoria Avenue to its junction with Boreenmanagh Road; thence in a north-westerly direction along Boreenmanagh Road to its junction with Old Blackrock Road; thence in an easterly direction along Old Blackrock Road to its junction with Rockboro Road; thence commencing in a north-westerly direction and proceeding along Rockboro Road and Gas Works Road to its junction with Albert Street; thence in a north-westerly direction along Albert Street and along its imaginary north-westerly projection to its intersection by the River Lee (South Channel) ; thence in a north-easterly direction along the River Lee (South Channel) to the starting point.



That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the intersection of the County Borough boundary by Dublin Hill; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along Dublin Hill, Dublin Street and Thomas Davis Street to its junction with Commons Road; thence commencing in a north-westerly direction and proceeding along Commons Road to its intersection by the County Borough boundary ; thence commencing in a northerly direction and proceeding along the County Borough boundary to the starting point.

Name of Ward

Number of Ward

Description of Ward



That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Abbey Street and Evergreen Street; thence commencing in a north-easterly direction and proceeding along Abbey Street and Douglas Street to its junction with Summer Hill South ; thence in a south-westerly direction along Summer Hill South to its junction with Murphy's Gardens ; thence in a south-westerly direction along Murphy's Gardens to its junction with St. Patrick's Road ; thence in a north-westerly direction along St. Patrick's Road to its junction with Friars' Walk ; thence commencing in a north-easterly direction and proceeding along Friars' Walk and Friar Street to its junction with Evergreen Street; thence in a south-easterly direction along Evergreen Street to the starting point.

Name of Ward

Number of Ward

Description of Ward

Fair Hill A


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Glengariff Road and Upper Fair Hill; thence in a south-easterly direction along Upper Fair Hill and Fair Hill to its junction with Valley Drive; thence in a westerly direction along Valley Drive to its junction with Knockfree Avenue ; thence commencing in a north-westerly direction and proceeding along Knockfree Avenue to its junction with Bantry Park Road ; thence in a north-westerly direction along Bantry Park Road to its junction with Glengariff Road; thence in a north-easterly direction along Glengariff Road to the starting point.

Fair Hill B


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Fairfield Avenue and Knockpogue Avenue; thence commencing in a south-easterly direction and proceeding along Knockpogue Avenue to its junction with Upper Fair Hill: thence in a north-westerly direction along Upper Fair Hill to its junction with Glengariff Road; thence in a south-westerly direction along Glengariff Road to its junction with Bantry Park Road; thence in a north-westerly direction along Bantry Park Road to its junction with Churchfield Avenue; thence commencing in a north-easterly direction and proceeding along Churchfield Avenue, Mount Agnes Road and Fairfield Avenue to the starting point.

Fair Hill C


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the intersection of the County Borough boundary by Commons Road; thence in a south-easterly direction along Commons Road to its junction with Fairfield Avenue; thence commencing in a westerly direction and proceeding along Fairfield Avenue to its junction with Fair Hill Upper; thence in a north-westerly direction along Fiar Hill Upper to its junction with the County Borough boundary; thence commencing in a north-westerly direction and proceeding along the County Borough boundary to the starting point.

Farranferris A


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Fairfield Avenue and Commons Road; thence in a south-easterly direction along Commons Road to its junction with Watercourse Road; thence commencing in a southerly direction and proceeding along Watercourse Road to its junction with Allinettes Lane; thence in a westerly direction along Allinettes Lane to its junction with Gerald Griffin Street; thence in a south-westerly direction along Gerald Griffin Street to its junction with Gerald Griffin Avenue; thence in a westerly direction along Gerald Griffin Avenue to its junction with Redemption Road; thence commencing in a north-westerly direction and proceeding along Redemption Road, Lover's Walk, Seminary Walk and Farranferris Avenue to its junction with Fairfield Avenue; thence in an easterly direction along Fairfield Avenue to the starting point.

Farranferris B


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Farranferris Avenue and Fairfield Avenue; thence commencing in a southerly direction and proceeding along Farranferris Avenue to its junction with Knockpogue Avenue; thence commencing in a northerly direction and proceeding along Knockpogue Avenue to its junction with Fairfield Avenue; thence in a north-easterly direction along Fairfield Avenue to the starting point.

Farranferris C


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Farranferris Avenue and Seminary Walk; thence commencing in a south-easterly direction and proceeding along Seminary Walk, Lover's Walk and Redemption Road to its junction with Gerald Griffin Avenue; thence in a westerly direction along Gerald Griffin Avenue to its junction with Fair Hill; thence in a north-westerly direction along Fair Hill to its junction with Knockpogue Avenue; thence in a north-easterly direction along Knockpogue Avenue to its junction with Farranferris Avenue; thence in a north-easterly direction along Farranferris Avenue to the starting point.

Name of Ward

Number of Ward

Description of Ward

Gillabbey A


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Western Road and Fernhurst Avenue; thence in a north-easterly direction along Western Road, Lancaster Quay, Washington Street West and Washington Street to its junction with South Main Street; thence in a south-easterly direction along South Main Street and South Gate Bridge to its junction with Frenches Quay; thence in a south-westerly direction along Frenches Quay and Proby's Quay to its junction with Dean Street; thence commencing in a southerly direction and proceeding along Dean Street to its junction with Vicar Street; thence in a south-easterly direction along Vicar Street to its junction with Barrack Street; thence in a south-westerly direction along Barrack Street and Bandon Road to its junction with St. Finbar's Road; thence in a northerly direction along St. Finbar's Road to its junction with College Road; thence in a south-westerly direction along College Road to its junction with Fernhurst Avenue; thence in a north-easterly direction along Fernhurst Avenue to the starting point.

Gillabbey B


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Sunnyside and Western Road; thence in a north-easterly direction along Western Road to its junction with Fernhurst Avenue; thence in a south-westerly direction along Fernhurst Avenue to its junction with College Road; thence in a north-easterly direction along College Road to its junction with St. Finbar's Road; thence in a southerly direction along St. Finbar's Road to its junction with Bandon Road; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along Bandon Road and Magazine Road to its junction with Highfield Avenue; thence commencing in a northerly direction and proceeding along Highfield Avenue, Gaol Walk and Sunnyside to the starting point.

Gillabbey C


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Western Road and Sunnyside; thence in a south-easterly direction along Sunnyside to its junction with Gaol Walk; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along Gaol Walk and Highfield Avenue to its junction with Magazine Road; thence commencing in a westerly direction and proceeding along Magazine Road to its junction with Wilton Road; thence in a north-easterly direction along Wilton Road to its junction with Victoria Cross Road; thence commencing in an easterly direction and proceeding long Victoria Cross Road to its junction with Western Road; thence in a north-easterly direction along Western Road to the starting point.

Glasheen A


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Magazine Road and Wilton Road; thence commencing in an easterly direction and proceeding along Magazine Road to its junction with Lima Lawn; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along Lima Lawn and School Avenue to its junction with Glasheen Road; thence in a south-westerly direction along Glasheen Road to its junction with Wilton Road; thence in a north-easterly direction along Wilton Road to the starting point.

Glasheen B


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Magazine Road and Glasheen Road; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along Glasheen Road to its junction with School Avenue; thence commencing in a north-westerly direction and proceeding along School Avenue and Lima Lawn to its junction with Magazine Road; thence in a north-easterly direction along Magazine Road to the starting point.

Glasheen C


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Clashduff Estate and Glasheen Road; thence commencing in a north-easterly direction and proceeding along Glasheen Road to its junction with Hartland's Road; thence in a south-easterly direction along Hartland's Road to its junction with the pathway bounding the western shore of Cork Lough; thence in a south-westerly direction along the said pathway and its imaginary southerly project on to its intersection by Glendalough Park; thence in a south-easterly direction along Glendalough Park to its junction with Lough Road; thence in a south-westerly direction along Lough Road and Togher Road to its junction with Clashduff Road; thence in a north-westerly direction along Clashduff Road and Clashduff Estate to the starting point.

The Glen A


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Spring Lane and the eastern boundary of the Cork-Dublin railway line; thence commencing in a north-easterly direction and proceeding along Spring Lane and Ballyvolane Road to its junction with Ballyhooly New Road; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along Ballyhooly New Road to its junction with Old Youghal Road; thence in a south-westerly direction along Old Youghal Road to its junction with Rathmore Road; thence commencing in a northerly direction and proceeding along Rathmore Road to its junction with Assumption Road; thence in a westerly direction along Assumption Road to its junction with the eastern boundary of the Cork-Dublin railway line; thence in a north-westerly direction along the said railway boundary to the starting point.

The Glen B


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the intersection of the County Borough boundary by Dublin Hill; thence commencing in a south-easterly direction and proceeding along the County Borough boundary to its junction with Ballyvolane Road; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along Ballyvolane Road and Spring Lane to its junction with Dublin Street; thence in a north-easterly direction along Dublin Street and Dublin Hill to the starting point.



That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Tower Street and Friars' Walk; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along Friars' Walk to its junction with Reendowney Place; thence in a westerly direction along Reendowney Place to its junction with Nun's Walk; thence commencing in a northerly direction and proceeding along Nun's Walk to its junction with Pouladuff Road; thence commencing in a north-easterly direction and proceeding along Pouladuff Road to its junction with Green Street; thence in a north-easterly direction along Green Street and Barrack Street to its junction with Tower Street; thence in a south-easterly direction along Tower Street to the starting point.

Gurranebraher A


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Cathedral Road and Bakers Road; thence in an easterly direction along Cathedral Road to its junction with Mount Eden Road; thence in a northerly direction along Mount Eden Road to its junction with Templeacre Avenue; thence in an easterly direction along Templeacre Avenue to its intersection by Gurranebraher Road; thence in a south-easterly direction along Gurranebraher Road to its junction with Mount Nebo Avenue; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along Mount Nebo Avenue to its junction with Bakers Road; thence in a north-westerly direction along Bakers Road to the starting point.

Gurranebraher B


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Mount Nebo Avenue and Bakers Road; thence commencing in an easterly direction and proceeding along Mount Nebo Avenue to its junction with Gurranebraher Road; thence in a south-easterly direction along Gurranebraher Road to its junction with Blarney Street; thence in a westerly direction along Blarney Street to its junction with Bakers Road; thence in a northerly direction along Bakers Road to the starting point.

Gurranebraher C


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Gurranebraher Road and St. Anthony's Road; thence in a north-easterly direction along St. Anthony's Road to its junction with Cattlemarket Street; thence in a south-easterly direction along Cattlemarket Street to its junction with Mary Aikenhead Place; thence in a north-easterly direction along Mary Aikenhead Place to its junction with Cathedral Road; thence in an easterly direction along Cathedral Road to its junction with Shandon Street; thence in a south-westerly direction along Shandon Street to its junction with Blarney Street; thence in a south-westerly direction along Blarney Street to its junction with Gurranebraher Road; thence in a north-westerly direction along Gurranebraher Road to the starting point.

Gurranebraher D


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the intersection of Gurranebraher Road and Cathedral Road; thence commencing in a north-easterly direction and proceeding along Cathedral Road to its junction with Mary Aikenhead Place; thence in a south-westerly direction along Mary Aikenhead Place to its junction with Cattlemarket Street; thence in a north-westerly dirction along Cattlemarket Street to its junction with St. Anthony's Road; thence in a south-westerly direction along St. Anthony's Road to its junction with Gurranebraher Road; thence in a north-westerly direction along Gurranebraher Road to the starting point.

Gurranebraher E


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Valley Drive and Gurranebraher Road; thence in an easterly direction along Valley Drive to its junction with Fair Hill; thence in a south-easterly direction along Fair Hill and Wolfe Tone Street to its junction with Cathedral Road; thence commencing in a westerly direction and proceeding along Cathedral Road to its junction with Gurranebraher Road; thence in a north-westerly direction along Gurranebraher Road to the starting point.

Name of Ward

Number of Ward

Description of Ward



That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Fair Hill Upper and the County Borough boundary; thence in a south-easterly direction along Fair Hill Upper to its junction with Mount Agnes Road; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along Mount Agnes Road, Church-field Avenue and along Bakers Road to its junction with Blarney Street; thence in a westerly direction along Blarney Street to its junction with Hollyhill Road; thence commencing in a north-westerly direction and proceeding along Hollyhill Road to its intersection by the County Borough boundary; thence commencing in a north-easterly direction and proceeding along the County Borough boundary to the starting point.

Knockrea A


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Old Blackrock Road and Victoria Avenue; thence commencing in an easterly direction and proceeding along Old Blackrock Road and Blackrock Road to its junction with Churchyard Lane; thence in a southerly direction along Churchyard Lane to its junction with Boreenmanagh Road; thence commencing in a north-westerly direction and proceeding along Boreenmanagh Road to its junction with Victoria Avenue; thence commencing in a north-westerly direction and proceeding along Victoria Avenue to the starting point.

Knockrea B


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the intersection of the River Lee (South Channel) by the imaginary north-westerly projection of Victoria Road; thence commencing in a north-easterly direction and proceeding along the River Lee (South Channel) and the River Lee to its intersection by the imaginary northerly projection of Barrington's Avenue; thence in a southerly direction along the said imaginary projection and along Barrington's Avenue to its junction with Blackrock Road; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along Blackrock Road to its junction with Victoria Road; thence in a north-westerly direction along Victoria Road and its imaginary north-westerly projection to the starting point.

Name of Ward

Number of Ward

Description of Ward

The Lough


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Bandon Road and Green Street; thence in a south-westerly direction along Green Street to its junction with Pouladuff Road; thence in a south-westerly direction along Pouladuff Road to its junction with Pearse Road; thence commencing in a north-westerly direction and proceeding along Pearse Road and Glendalough Park to its intersection by the imaginary southerly projection of the pathway bounding the western shore of Cork Lough; thence commencing in a northerly direction and proceeding along the said imaginary projection and along the said pathway to its junction with Hartland's Road; thence in a north-westerly direction along Hartland's Road to its junction with Glasheen Road; thence commencing in a north-easterly direction and proceeding along Glasheen Road and Bandon Road to the starting point.

Name of Ward

Number of ward

Description of Ward

Mahon A


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the intersection of the River Lee by the imaginary northerly projection of Barrington's Avenue; thence commencing in a south-easterly dirction and proceeding along the River Lee to its intersection by the County Borough boundary; thence commencing in a south-easterly direction and proceeding along the County Borough boundary to its intersection by the imaginary easterly projection of Ringmahon Road; thence in a westerly direction along the said imaginary projection and Ringmahon Road to its junction with Ballinure Road, thence in a southerly direction along Ballinure Road to its junction with Skehard Road; thence commencing in a westerly direction and proceeding along Skehard Road to its junction with Church Road; thence commencing in a north-westerly direction and proceeding along Church Road to its junction with Blackrock Road; thence in a westerly direction along Blackrock Road to its junction with Barrington's Avenue; thence in a northerly direction along Barrington's Avenue and its imaginary northerly projection to the starting point.

Mahon B


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the intersection of the County Borough boundary by the imaginary easterly projection of Ringmahon Road; thence commencing in a southerly direction and proceeding along the County Borough boundary to its intersection by Douglas Road; thence in a north-westerly direction along Douglas Road to its junction with Well Road; thence commencing in a northerly direction and proceeding along Well Road and Skehard Road to its junction with Ballinure Road; thence in a northerly direction along Ballinure Road to its junction with Ringmahon Road; thence in an easterly direction along Ringmahon Road and along its imaginary easterly projection to the starting point.

Mahon C


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Blackrock Road and Church Road; thence in a southerly direction along Church Road to its junction with Skehard Road; thence in a south-westerly direction along Skehard Road to its junction with Churchyard Lane; thence in a northerly direction along Churchyard Lane to its junction with Blackrock Road; thence commencing in a north-easterly direction and proceeding along Blackrock Road to the starting point.



That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the intersection of the River Lee (North Channel) by Thomas Davis Bridge; thence commencing in a north-easterly direction and proceeding along the River Lee (North Channel) to its intersection by St. Vincent's Bridge; thence in a southerly direction along St. Vincent's Bridge, Grenville Place, Prospect Row and Wood's Street to its junction with Lancaster Quay; thence in a south-westerly direction along Lancaster Quay, Western Road and Thomas Davis Bridge to the starting point.



That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Ballyvolane Road and the County Borough boundary; thence commencing in a south-easterly direction and proceeding along the County Borough boundary to its intersection by Old Youghal Road; thence in a south-westerly direction along Old Youghal Road to its junction with Ballyhooly New Road; thence in a north-easterly direction along Ballyhooly New Road to its junction with Ballyvolane Road; thence in a north-easterly direction along Ballyvolane Road to the starting point.

Montenotte A


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Ballyhooly New Road and Old Youghal Road; thence in a north- easterly direction along Old Youghal Road to its junction with Leycester's Lane; thence in a southerly direction along Leycester's Lane to its junction with Glanmire Road Middle; thence in a westerly direction along Glanmire Road Middle to its junction with Ballyhooly New Road; thence commencing in a northerly direction and proceeding along Ballyhooly New Road to the starting point.

Montenotte B


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Old Youghal Road and Lower Mayfield Road; thence commencing in a southerly direction and proceeding along Lower Mayfield Road to its junction with Glanmire Road Middle; thence commencing in a westerly direction and proceeding along Glanmire Road Middle to its junction with Leycester's Lane; thence in a northerly direction along Leycester's Lane to its junction with Old Youghal Road; thence in a north-easterly direction along Old Youghal Road to the starting point.

Name of Ward

Number of Ward

Description of Ward

Pouladuff A


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Nun's Walk and Pouladuff Road; thence commencing in an easterly direction and proceeding along Nun's Walk to its junction with Reendowney Place; thence in an easterly direction along Reendowney Place to its junction with Lower Friars' Walk; thence commencing in a southerly direction and proceeding along Lower Friar's Walk to its junction with Pearse Road; thence in a north-westerly direction along Pearse Road to its intersection by Pouladuff Road; thence in a north-easterly direction along Pouladuff Road to the starting point.

Pouladuff B


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Pouldauff Road and Pearse Road; thence in a south-easterly direction along Pearse Road to its junction with Lower Friars' Walk; thence commencing in a southerly direction and proceeding along Lower Friars' Walk and its imaginary south-easterly projection to its intersection by the County Borough boundary; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along the County Borough boundary to its intersection by Ponladuff Road; thence in a northerly direction along Pouladuff Road to the starting point.

Name of Ward

Number of Ward

Description of Ward

St. Patrick's A


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Wellington Road and St. Patrick's Hill; thence commencing in an easterly direction and proceeding along Wellington Road to its junction with Mahony's Avenue; thence in a south-easterly direction along Mahony's Avenue to its junction with Grattan's Hill Lower; thence commencing in a westerly direction and proceeding along Grattan's Hill Lower to its junction with Lower Glanmire Road; thence in an easterly direction along Lower Glanmire Road to its junction with Water Street; thence in a southerly direction along Water Street and its imaginary southerly projection to its intersection by the River Lee; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along the River Lee and River Lee (North Channel) to its intersection by St. Patrick's Bridge; thence in a northerly direction along St. Patrick's Bridge, Bridge Street and St. Partick's Hill to the starting point.

St. Patrick's B


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Old Youghal Road and Audley Place; thence commencing in a north-easterly direction and proceeding along Old Youghal Road to its junction with Military Road; thence commencing in a south-easterly direction and proceeding along Military Road to its junction with Wellington Road: thence in a south-westerly direction along Wellington Road to its junction with St. Patrick's Hill; thence in a northerly direction along St. Patrick's Hill and Audley Place to the starting point.

St. Patrick's C


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Military Road with Old Youghal Road; thence commencing in a north-easterly direction and proceeding along Old Youghal Road to its junction with Ballyhooly New Road; thence commencing in a south- westerly direction and proceeding along Ballyhooly New Road to its junction with Wellington Road; thence in a south-westerly direction along Wellington Road to its junction with Military Road; thence commencing in a north-westerly direction and proceeding along Military Road to the starting point.



That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the intersection of the County Borough boundary by Hollyhill Road; thence commencing in a south-easterly direction and proceeding along Hollyhill Road to its junction with Blarney Road; thence in an easterly direction along Blarney Road to its junction with Strawberry Lane; thence in a south-easterly direction along Strawberry Lane to its junction with Shanakiel Road; thence in a south-easterly direction along Shanakiel Road to its junction with Sunday's Well Road; thence in a south-westerly direction along Sunday's Well Road to its junction with Thomas Davis Bridge; thence in a south-easterly direction along Thomas Davis Bridge to its intersection by the River Lee (North Channel); thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along the River Lee (North Channel) and the River Lee to its junction with the County Borough boundary; thence commencing in a northerly direction and proceeding along the County Borough boundary to the starting point.

Shandon A


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Gerald Griffin Avenue and Wolfe Tone Street; thence commencing in a north-easterly direction and proceeding along Gerald Griffin Avenue to its junction with Gerald Griffin Street; thence in a north-easterly direction along Gerald Griffin Street to its junction with Allinettes Lane thence in an easterly direction along Allinettes Lane to its junction with Watercourse Road; thence in a southerly direction along Watercourse Road to its junction with Leitrim Street; thence commencing in an easterly direction and proceeding along Leitrim Street to its junction with Coburg Street: thence in a south-easterly direction along Coburg Street to its junction with Bridge Street; thence in a southerly direction along Bridge Street and St. Patrick's Bridge to its intersection by the River Lee (North Channel); thence in a westerly direction along the River Lee (North Channel) to its intersection by the imaginary south-easterly projection of John Redmond Street; thence in a north-westerly direction along the said imaginary projection and along John Redmond Street to its junction with John Street Upper; thence in a northerly direction along John Street Upper to its junction with Roman Street; thence commencing in a north-westerly direction and proceeding along Roman Street, Cathedral Street and Cathedral Road to its junction with Wolfe Tone Street; thence in a north-westerly direction along Wolfe Tone Street to the starting point.

Shandon B


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Shandon Street and Cathedral Street; thence commencing in a south-easterly direction and proceeding along Cathedral Street and Roman Street to its junction with John Street Upper; thence in a southerly direction along John Street Upper to its junction with John Redmond Street; thence in a south-easterly direction along John Redmond Street and its imaginary south-easterly projection to its intersection by the River Lee(North Channel); thence commencing in a westerly direction and proceeding along the RiverLee (North Channel) to its intersection by Griffith Bridge; thence in a northerly direction along Griffith Bridge to its junction with Shandon Street; thence in a north-easterly direction along Shandon Street to the starting point.

South Gate A


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the intersection of the River Lee (South Channel) by South Gate Bridge; thence commencing in an easterly direction and proceeding along the River Lee (South Channel) to its intersection by Parnell Bridge; thence commencing in a south-easterly direction and proceeding along Parnell Bridge and Anglesea Street to its junction with Infirmary Road; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along Infirmary Road and Langford Row to its junction with Douglas Street; thence commencing in a north-westerly direction and proceeding along Douglas Street and Abbey Street to its junction with Evergreen Street; thence in a north-westerly direction along Evergreen Street to its junction with Barrack Street; thence commencing in a north-easterly direction and proceeding along Barrack Street and South Gate Bridge to the starting point.

South Gate B


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Dean Street and Proby's Quay; thence commencing in a north-easterly direction and proceeding along Proby's Quay and Frenches Quay to its junction with Barrack Street; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along Barrack Street to its junction with Evergreen Street; thence in a south-easterly direction along Evergreen Street to its junction with Friar Street; thence commencing in a south-easterly direction and proceeding along Friar Street to its junction with Tower Street; thence in a north-westerly direction along Tower Street to its junction with Barrack Street; thence in a south-westerly direction along Barrack Street to its junction with Vicar Street; thence commencing in a north-westerly direction and proceeding along Vicar Street to its junction with Dean Street; thence commencing in a north-easterly direction and proceeding along Dean Street to the starting point.

Sunday's Well A


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Blair's Hill and Blarney Street; thence commencing in a southerly direction and proceeding along Blair's Hill and along its imaginary southerly projection to its intersection by the River Lee (North Channel); thence commencing in a westerly direction and proceeding along the River Lee (North Channel) to its intersection by Thomas Davis Bridge; thence in a north-westerly direction along Thomas Davis Bridge to its intersection by Sunday's Well Road; thence in a north-easterly direction along Sunday's Well Road to its junction with Shanakiel Road; thence in a north-westerly direction along Shanakiel Road to its junction with Strawberry Lane; thence in a north-westerly direction along Strawberry Lane to its junction with Blarney Street; thence in an easterly direction along Blarney Street to the starting point.

Sunday's Well B


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Blair's Hill and Blarney Street; thence commencing in an easterly direction and proceeding along Blarney Street to its junction with Shandon Street; thence in a south-westerly direction along Shandon Street to its junction with Newsoms Quay; thence in a southerly direction along Griffith Bridge to its intersection by the River Lee (North Channel); thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along the River Lee (North Channel) to its intersection by the imaginary southerly projection of Blair's Hill; thence in a northerly direction along the said imaginary projection and along Blair's Hill to the starting point.

Name of Ward

Number of Ward

Description of Ward

Tivoli A


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Glanmire Road Middle and Silver Springs Lane; thence commencing in an easterly direction and proceeding along Silver Springs Lane, Castle Avenue and the imaginary southerly projection of Castle Avenue to its intersection by the River Lee; thence commencing in a westerly direction and proceeding along the River Lee to its intersection by the imaginary southerly projection of Water Street; thence in a northerly direction along the said imaginary projection and Water street to its junction with Lower Glanmire Road; thence in a westerly direction along Lower Glanmire Road to its junction with Grattan's Hill Lower; thence commencing in a northerly direction and proceeding along Grattan's Hill Lower to its junction with Mahony's Avenue; thence in a north-westerly direction along Mahony's Avenue to its junction with Glanmire Road Middle; thence commencing in an easterly direction and proceeding along Glanmire Road Middle to the starting point.

Tivoli B


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the intersection of the County Borough boundary by Old Youghal Road: thence commencing in a south-easterly direction and proceeding along the County Borough boundary to its intersection by the River Lee; thence commencing in a westerly direction and proceeding along the River Lee to its intersection by the imaginary southerly projection of Castle Avenue; thence commencing in a northerly direction and proceeding along the said imaginary projection, Castle Avenue and Silver Springs Lane to its junction with Lower Mayfield Road; thence commencing in a north-easterly direction and proceeding along Lower Mayfield Road to its junction with Old Youghal Road; thence in a north-easterly direction along Old Youghal Road to the starting point.

Togher A


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Glasheen River with Clashduff Road; thence commencing in a south-easterly direction and proceeding along Clashduff Road to its junction with Togher Road; thence in a north-easterly direction along Togher Road to its junction with Edward Walsh Road; thence in a south-easterly direction along Edward Walsh Road to its junction with Michael Fitzgerald Road; thence in a southerly direction along Michael Fitzgerald Road to its junction with Charles Daly Road; thence commencing in an easterly direction and proceeding along Charles Daly Road to its junction with Pouladuff Road; thence in a southerly direction along Pouladuff Road to its intersection by the County Borough boundary; thence commencing in a westerly direction and proceeding along the County Borough boundary to its junction with Glasheen River; thence commencing in a north-easterly direction and proceeding long the Glasheen River to the starting point.

Togher B


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Lough Road and Pearse Road; thence in a south-easterly direction along Pearse Road to its junction with Pouladuff Road; thence in a southerly direction along Pouladuff Road to its junction with Charles Daly Road; thence commencing in a westerly direction and proceeding along Charles Daly Road to its junction with Michael Fitzgerald Road; thence in a northerly direction along Michael Fitzgerald Road to its junction with Edward Walsh Road; thence in a westerly direction along Edward Walsh Road to its junction with Togher Road; thence in a north-easterly direction along Togher Road and Lough Road to the starting point.

Tramore A


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Douglas Road and the eastern boundary of the former Cork-Bandon railway line; thence commencing in a south-easterly direction and proceeding along Douglas Road to its junction with Douglas Cross Road; thence in a south-westerly direction along Douglas Cross Road to its junction with Douglas Road South; thence in a north-westerly direction along Douglas Road South to its junction with the eastern boundary of the former Cork-Bandon railway line; thence in a north-easterly direction along the said boundary to the starting point.

Tramore B


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Douglas Road and Douglas Cross Road; thence in a South-easterly direction along Douglas Road to its junction with Tramore Lawn; thence in a south-westerly direction along Tramore Lawn to its junction with Douglas Road South; thence in a north-westerly direction along Douglas Road South to its junction with Douglas Cross Road; thence in a north-easterly direction along Douglas Cross Road to the starting point.

Tramore C


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Douglas Road and Tramore Lawn; thence commencing in a south-easterly direction and proceeding along Douglas Road to its intersection by the County Borough boundary; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along the County Borough boundary to its junction with the eastern boundary of the former Cork-Bandon railway line; thence in a north-easterly direction along the said boundary to its junction with Douglas Road South; thence in a south-easterly direction along Douglas Road South to its junction with Tramore Lawn; thence in a north-easterly direction along Tramore Lawn to the starting point.

Turner's Cross A


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Summer Hill South and High Street; thence in a south-easterly direction along High Street to its junction with the eastern boundary of the former Cork-Bandon railway line; thence in a south-westerly direction along the said boundary to its intersection by Douglas Road South; thence commencing in a north-westerly direction and proceeding along Douglas Road South and Evergreen Road to its junction with Summer Hill South; thence in a north-easterly direction along Summer Hill South to the starting point.

Turner's Cross B


That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Commencing at the junction of Evergreen Road and Curragh Road; thence commencing in a south-westerly direction and proceeding along Curragh Road to its junction with O'Connell Avenue; thence commencing in a north-westerly direction and proceeding along O'Connell Avenue to its junction with Derrynane Road; thence in a north-westerly direction along Derrynane Road to its junction with Friars' Walk; thence in a north-easterly direction along Friars' Walk to its junction with St. Patrick's Road; thence commencing in an easterly direction and proceeding along St. Patrick's Road and Murphy's Gardens to its junction with Evergreen Road; thence in a south-easterly direction along Evergreen Road to the starting point.

That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Turner's Cross C


Commencing at the junction of Friars' Walk and Derrynane Road; thence commencing in a south-easterly direction and proceeding along Derrynane Road to its junction with O'Connell Avenue; thence in a south-easterly direction along O'Connell Avenue to its junction with Curragh Road; thence commencing in a south-easterly direction and proceeding along Curragh Road to its junction with Tory Top Road; thence in a north-westerly direction along Tory Top Road to its junction with Lower Friars' Walk; thence in a northerly direction along Lower Friars' Walk and Friars' Walk to the starting point.

That part of the County Borough situated within a line drawn as follows:—

Turner's Cross D


Commencing at the junction of Curragh Road and Douglas Road South; thence in a south-easterly direction along Douglas Road South to its junction with the eastern boundary of the former Cork-Bandon railway line; thence in a south-westerly direction along the said boundary to its intersection by the County Borough boundary; thence in a south-westerly direction along the County Borough boundary to its junction with Blackash Road; thence commencing in a north-westerly direction and proceeding along Blackash Road to its junction with Kinsale Road; thence in a northerly direction along Kinsale Road and Curragh Road to the starting point.

GIVEN under the Official Seal of the Minister for Local Government

this 22nd day of October. 1970


Aire Rialtais Áitiúil.


These Regulations divide the County Borough of Cork into 74 wards.