Session and Chapter or Number and Year
Short title
Extent of Repeal
50 and 51 Vict., c. 28
Merchandise Marks Act, 1887
Section 15 insofar as it relates to summary proceedings.
No. 48 of 1931
Merchandise Marks Act, 1931
Sections 19
No. 15 of 1960
Hire Purchase (Amendment) Act, 1960
Section 14
No. 20 of 1961
Industrial Research and Standards Act, 1961
Section 46
No. 11 of 1972
Restrictive Practices Act, 1972
Section 13
No. 11 of 1972
Restrictive Practices Act, 1972
Section 16
No. 11 of 1972
Restrictive Practices Act, 1972
Section 25
No. 11 of 1972
Restrictive Practices Act, 1972
Second Schedule paragraphs 1, 2, 4 and 5.
No. 20 of 1972
Prices (Amendment) Act, 1972
Section 2
No. 1 of 1978
Consumer Information Act, 1978
Section 23
No. 23 of 1980
Trading Stamps Act, 1980
Section 14
No. 24 of 1983
Postal and Telecommunications Services Act, 1983
Sections 48