Planning and Development Act, 2000



Area of special amenity.

202.—(1) Where, in the opinion of the planning authority, by reason of—

(a) its outstanding natural beauty, or

(b) its special recreational value,

and having regard to any benefits for nature conservation, an area should be declared under this section to be an area of special amenity, it may, by resolution, make an order to do so and the order may state the objective of the planning authority in relation to the preservation or enhancement of the character or special features of the area, including objectives for the prevention or limitation of development in the area.

(2) Where it appears to the Minister that an area should be declared under this section to be an area of special amenity by reason of—

(a) its outstanding natural beauty, or

(b) its special recreational value,

and having regard to any benefits for nature conservation, he or she may, if he or she considers it necessary, direct a planning authority to make an order under this section in relation to an area specified in the direction and may, if he or she thinks fit, require that objectives specified in the direction be included by the planning authority in the order in respect of matters and in a manner so specified, and if the Minister gives a direction under this subsection the planning authority concerned shall comply with the direction.

(3) An order made pursuant to a direction under subsection (2) shall be revoked or amended only with the consent of the Minister.

(4) An order under this section shall come into operation on being confirmed, whether with or without modification, under section 203 .

(5) Where the functional areas of two planning authorities are contiguous, either authority may, with the consent of the other, make an order under this section in respect of an area in or partly in the functional area of the other.

(6) Any order under this section may be revoked or varied by a subsequent order under this section.

(7) Subject to subsection (3), a planning authority may, from time to time, review an order made under this section (excepting any order merely revoking a previous order), for the purpose of deciding whether it is desirable to revoke or amend the order.