Companies Act 2014

Membership of a PULC

1259. (1) The subscribers to the memorandum of association of a PULC shall be deemed to have agreed to become members of the PULC, and, on its registration, shall be entered as members in its register of members.

(2) Such other persons—

(a) being persons—

(i) whom the directors admit to membership; or

(ii) who are admitted to membership, pursuant to provisions that the constitution may contain in that behalf, whether provisions that—

(I) provide a separate power to; or

(II) supplement or limit, or exclude,

any power of the directors in that regard;


(b) whose names are entered in its register of members,

shall be members of the PULC.

(3) The articles of a PULC shall state the number of members with which the company proposes to be registered.

(4) Where a PULC has increased the number of its members beyond the registered number, it shall, within 15 days after the date on which the increase was resolved on or took place, deliver particulars of the increase to the Registrar.

(5) If default is made in complying with subsection (4), the PULC and any officer of it who is in default shall be guilty of a category 4 offence.

(6) The articles of a PULC may state the maximum number of persons who may be members of the PULC, subject to the power of the directors to register an increase in the number of members.

(7) A member may resign his or her membership by serving notice to that effect upon the directors at the registered office of the PULC, such notice to expire no earlier than the date of service of the notice of resignation.

(8) Save where the constitution of a PULC provides otherwise, the directors may require a member to resign his or her membership by serving notice upon the member terminating his or her membership to expire no earlier than the date of service of the notice of termination.

(9) Save where the constitution of a PULC provides otherwise, every member shall have one vote.

(10) The death of a member shall terminate his or her membership.