National Cultural Institutions (National Concert Hall) Act 2015


14. (1) The Board may establish committees to assist and advise it on matters relating to its functions and may determine the terms of reference of each committee.

(2) A committee shall consist of a chairperson and such number of other members as the Board may determine and, provided that the majority of members of the committee are members of the Board, may include people who are not members of the Board or the staff of the NCH.

(3) The chairperson and other members of a committee shall be appointed by the Board subject to such terms and conditions as the Board shall determine.

(4) The Board may at any time dissolve a committee for stated reasons.

(5) The Board may regulate the procedure and business of a committee but, subject to any such regulation by the Board, a committee may regulate its own procedure and business.

(6) A committee may act notwithstanding one or more vacancies in its membership.