Research and Innovation Act 2024

Functions of Chief Executive Officer

29. (1) The Chief Executive Officer shall carry on and manage, and control generally, the administration and business of the Agency and perform such other functions (if any) as may be determined by the Board and, for those purposes, shall have such powers as are necessary or expedient.

(2) The Chief Executive Officer shall perform his or her functions subject to such directions as may be given to him or her from time to time by the Board, and shall be accountable to the Board for the effective and efficient management of the Agency and for the due performance of his or her functions.

(3) The Chief Executive Officer may make proposals to the Board on any matter relating to its functions.

(4) The Chief Executive Officer shall provide the members of the Board with any such information (including financial information) in relation to the performance of his or her functions as the members may request.

(5) The Board may designate a member of the staff of the Agency to perform the functions of the Chief Executive Officer in the absence of the Chief Executive Officer or where the office of Chief Executive Officer is vacant and a member of the staff so designated shall, in such absence or upon such position being vacant, perform those functions.

(6) The Chief Executive Officer may delegate any of his or her functions, other than a function that is subject to a condition specified by the Board that the function shall not be delegated, to a specified member of the staff of the Agency, and that member of staff shall be accountable to the Chief Executive Officer for the performance of the functions so delegated.

(7) The Chief Executive Officer shall, notwithstanding any delegations made by him or her in accordance with subsection (6), at all times remain accountable to the Board for the performance of any functions so delegated.

(8) The Chief Executive Officer may revoke a delegation made in accordance with subsection (6).