Automatic Enrolment Retirement Savings System Act 2024

Register of unclaimed balances

94. (1) The Authority shall keep a register of unclaimed balances.

(2) The Authority shall enter in the register the following particulars of an unclaimed balance in respect of which moneys are transferred to the Dormant Accounts Fund under section 93 :

(a) the participant’s name and, except where section 91 (2) applies, the correspondence address, if any, of the participant;

(b) where section 91 (2) applies, the name and correspondence address of the participant’s personal representative, if known;

(c) the date on which a notice was sent under section 91 ;

(d) where a notice under section 92 applied to the unclaimed balance, the date on which the notice was published;

(e) the date on which the balance became an unclaimed balance in accordance with section 90 ;

(f) the date of the transfer to the Dormant Accounts Fund and the amount transferred;

(g) where notice to the NTMA has been given under section 97 , the date on which moneys were paid and the amount paid in accordance with that section—

(i) by the NTMA to the Authority, and

(ii) by the Authority to the applicant under that section;

(h) any other matters that may be prescribed by the Minister with the consent of the Minister for Rural and Community Development.

(3) The register may be kept in any form subject to its being capable of being converted into a legible form and being used to make a legible copy or reproduction of any entry in the register.

(4) A person may inspect the register in relation to an unclaimed balance where the person—

(a) proves to the satisfaction of the Authority that, in relation to that unclaimed balance, he or she is, or may be, the participant or the participant’s personal representative, or

(b) proves to the satisfaction of the Authority that, in relation to that unclaimed balance, he or she is authorised by the participant or the participant’s personal representative to make the inspection.

(5) The Authority shall, from time to time, review each entry in the register and if it becomes aware that any particular in the register is incorrect or has ceased to be correct, it shall make such alteration to the register as it considers necessary.