S.I. No. 489/2024 - Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 (Legal Partnerships) Regulations 2024

Notice of the making of this Statutory Instrument was published in

“Iris Oifigiúil” of 27th September, 2024.

The LEGAL SERVICES REGULATORY AUTHORITY, in exercise of the powers conferred on it by section 116 of the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 (No. 65 of 2015), hereby makes the following Regulations.

Citation and commencement

1. (1) These Regulations may be cited as the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 (Legal Partnerships) Regulations 2024.


2. (1) In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires -

“Act of 2015” means the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 , as amended;

“barrister-only legal partnership” means a legal partnership in which only practising barristers are partners;

“cessation notification” means a notification made to the Authority in accordance with section 104(2)(a) of the Act of 2015 and Regulation 4(1) of these Regulations;

“cessation notification fee” means the fee as prescribed in Schedule 1 of these Regulations to accompany a legal partnership cessation notification pursuant to section 104(2)(a) of the Act of 2015;

“code of practice” means a code of practice issued under section 22 of the Act of 2015, and includes part of such a code;

“commencement notification” means a notification made to the Authority in accordance with section 104(1)(a) of the Act of 2015 and Regulation 3(1) of these Regulations;

“commencement notification fee” means the fee as prescribed in Schedule 1 of these Regulations to accompany a commencement notification pursuant to section 104(1)(a) of the Act of 2015;

“Compensation Fund” means the fund maintained by the Law Society under section 21 of the Solicitors (Amendment) Act 1960 ;

“legal partnership” means a partnership formed under the law of the State by written agreement, by two or more legal practitioners, at least one of whom is a practising barrister, for the purpose of providing legal services;

“legal practitioner” means a person who is a practising solicitor or a practising barrister and a reference to a solicitor includes a reference to a firm of solicitors;

“legal services” means legal services provided by a person, whether as a solicitor or as a barrister;

“membership alteration notification” means a notification made to the Authority in accordance with Regulation 5(1) of these Regulations of an alteration to the membership of a legal partnership;

“membership alteration notification fee” means the fee as prescribed in Schedule 1 of these Regulations to accompany a notification made to the Authority in accordance with Regulation 5 of these Regulations of an alteration to the membership of a legal partnership;

“partner” means a partner in a legal partnership, whether a practising barrister or a practising solicitor, and shall include, where the context so permits or requires, a person being held out as a partner in that partnership;

“Register of Legal Partnerships” means a register set up and maintained by the Authority pursuant to section 117 of the Act of 2015;

“Regulation” means a regulation in these Regulations;

“Solicitors Accounts Regulations” means-

(i) the Solicitors Accounts Regulations 2023 ( S.I. No. 118 of 2023 ), and

(ii) any other regulation made by the Law Society under section 66 of the Act of 1954 or section 73 of the Act of 1994;

“Solicitors Acts 1954 to 2015” refers to the Solicitors Acts 1954 to 2011 and Part 13 of the Act of 2015;

“solicitor-barrister legal partnership” means a legal partnership in which at least one practising barrister is a partner and at least one practising solicitor is a partner.

(2) For the purposes of these Regulations a practising barrister or a barrister-only legal partnership is deemed to hold moneys of clients if the practising barrister or the barrister-only legal partnership receives moneys of clients and/or has the capacity to effect transactions in respect of an account or accounts in which the moneys of clients is held.

(3) For the purposes of these Regulations “moneys of clients” shall have the same meaning mutatis mutandis as “clients’ moneys” as provided for by the Solicitors Accounts Regulations.

Notification of intention to provide legal services

3. (1) A legal partnership that intends to provide legal services shall notify the Authority using Form No.1 in Schedule 2 of these Regulations, which form shall be accompanied by the commencement notification fee.

(2) A commencement notification may be made either by:

a) delivery by post to the Authority of the duly completed form and payment by electronic funds transfer of the commencement notification fee, or

b) electronic delivery to the Authority of the duly completed form and payment by electronic funds transfer of the commencement notification fee, or

c) such other manner as the Authority may from time to time specify.

(3) A legal partnership shall not provide legal services until it has complied with Regulation 3(1).

Notification of cessation of provision of legal services

4. (1) A legal partnership that ceases providing legal services shall notify the Authority, within 28 days of such cessation, using Form No.2 in Schedule 2 of these Regulations, which form shall be accompanied by the cessation notification fee.

(2) A cessation notification may be made either by:

a) delivery by post to the Authority of the duly completed form and payment by electronic funds transfer of the cessation notification fee, or

b) electronic delivery to the Authority of the duly completed form and payment by electronic funds transfer of the cessation notification fee, or

c) such other manner as the Authority may from time to time specify.

(3) A legal partnership that has complied with Regulation 4(1) shall not provide legal services unless it submits to the Authority a further commencement notification in accordance with Regulation 3.

(4) Where a legal partnership has been authorised as a limited liability partnership and intends to cease providing legal services both as a legal partnership and as a limited liability partnership, no cessation notification fee shall arise under these Regulations provided that a cessation notification fee is paid in accordance with the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 (Limited Liability Partnerships) Regulations for the time being in force.

Membership alteration notification

5. (1) A legal partnership shall inform the Authority using Form No. 3 in Schedule 2 of these Regulations of any alteration to the membership of the partnership, where such alteration does not cause the dissolution of the partnership, which form shall be accompanied by the membership alteration notification fee.

(2) A membership alteration notification may be made either by:

a) delivery by post to the Authority of the duly completed form and payment by electronic funds transfer of the membership alteration notification fee, or

b) electronic delivery to the Authority of the duly completed form and payment by electronic funds transfer of the membership alteration notification fee, or

c) such other manner as the Authority may from time to time specify.

(3) Where a legal partnership has been authorised as a limited liability partnership no membership alteration notification fee shall arise under these Regulations provided that a membership alteration notification fee is paid in accordance with the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 (Limited Liability Partnerships) Regulations for the time being in force.

General obligations

6. It shall be the responsibility of the legal partnership and every partner in a legal partnership to ensure the legal partnership complies with applicable obligations under the Act of 2015, these Regulations and such other regulations as may be made under the Act of 2015.

7. Any obligations which are expressed to apply to the legal partnership apply to each individual partner within the legal partnership, save where expressly otherwise provided in the Act of 2015, these Regulations or such other regulations as may be made under the Act of 2015.

8. Nothing in these Regulations shall be deemed to affect the obligations of practising solicitors, whether as partners of a legal partnership or employees in a legal partnership, to comply with applicable provisions of the Solicitors Acts 1954 to 2015 and any regulations made thereunder.

9. A practising barrister in a legal partnership shall not by any act or omission interfere with the obligations of a practising solicitor in the legal partnership under the Solicitors Acts 1954 to 2015 and any regulations made thereunder.

10. A legal practitioner in a legal partnership shall not by any act or omission interfere with the obligations of another legal practitioner in the legal partnership under the Act of 2015, these Regulations, such other regulations as may be made under the Act of 2015 and any relevant code of conduct or professional code to include a code of practice issued by the Authority.

11. (1) A legal partnership shall keep its clients’ information confidential save to the extent that disclosure is required or permitted by law.

(2) A legal partnership shall ensure the separation of information of, and related to, each client.

(3) A legal partnership shall protect its clients’ information from unauthorised disclosure.

(4) A legal partnership shall retain and use client data in accordance with applicable data protection requirements.

(5) A legal partnership shall ensure the protection of its clients’ rights to assert privilege.

12. (1) Subject to clause (3) of this Regulation 12, a legal partnership shall furnish to a client upon, or as soon as practicable after, accepting instructions from that client, information in writing as to:

a) the legal practitioner or legal practitioners within the legal partnership who will be providing legal services to the client;

b) the types of legal services that will be provided by each legal practitioner;

c) any applicable restriction, or absence of restriction, on a practising barrister in the legal partnership receiving instructions directly from a person who is not a solicitor;

d) the internal complaints procedure that is available to the client to include any such procedure as may be required from time to time pursuant to law or any relevant code of conduct or professional code to include a code of practice issued by the Authority;

e) the fact that the legal partnership is subject to the Act of 2015 (and, in particular, section 45(1) and Part 8 thereof) and these Regulations;

f) confirmation that the Law Society’s obligations to reimburse losses caused by the dishonesty of practising solicitors from the Compensation Fund does not extend to practising barristers in a legal partnership;

g) confirmation that the legal partnership is obliged to comply with its obligations under the Act of 2015, these Regulations and such other regulations as may be made under the Act of 2015;

h) any relevant code of conduct or professional code to include a code of practice issued by the Authority applicable to the particular legal practitioners within the legal partnership; and

i) where the instruments referred to at clause (g) and (h) can be accessed including where they may be available to be accessed electronically online.

(2) When a practising solicitor in a legal partnership proposes to instruct a practising barrister who is a partner or employee of that legal partnership on behalf of a client in any matter, the client shall be informed of their right to request the instruction of a practising barrister who is not a partner or an employee of that legal partnership.

(3) Where a practising barrister in a legal partnership is instructed by a practising solicitor, other than a practising solicitor who is a partner or employee within the same legal partnership, the legal partnership shall furnish to that practising solicitor upon, or as soon as practicable after the practising barrister accepts instructions from that practising solicitor, information in writing pursuant to clause (1) of this Regulation 12.

(4) A legal partnership shall ensure compliance with the notification requirements in respect of legal costs as provided for in section 150 of the Act of 2015;

13. (1) A legal partnership shall not accept instructions from a party to act in any matter in which the legal partnership, a partner or employee of the legal partnership, is acting for an opposing or counter party in the same matter, unless:

a) each of the parties are given full information about the proposed acceptance of instructions;

b) each of the parties consent to the acceptance of such instructions; and,

c) information and communications of and related to the two parties are fully segregated and protected against disclosure (save for where otherwise agreed by both parties).

(2) A legal partnership shall not accept instructions to act in any matter in which the ability of the legal partnership, a partner or employee of the legal partnership, to act with full independence and to comply with their professional duties owed to a client, would or could be impaired. This includes, but is not restricted to, a matter in which the legal partnership, its partners or employees are or could reasonably be expected to be aware that the legal partnership, a partner or employee of the legal partnership, has a significant pecuniary interest, or a matter in which it is, or could reasonably be expected to be, aware that the legal partnership, a partner or employee of the legal partnership, may be a party.

(3) Nothing in this Regulation shall authorise a legal partnership to accept instructions to act for both parties in any matter which is otherwise prohibited in regulations made under the Solicitors Acts 1954 to 2015.

Name of legal partnership

14. (1) The name of a legal partnership shall consist only of the names of some or all of the partners or former partners of the legal partnership unless otherwise approved by the Authority further to an application made pursuant to clause (2) of this Regulation 14.

(2) Where it is not intended that the name of a legal partnership shall consist of the names of some or all of the partners or former partners of the legal partnership, an application for approval of a name of the legal partnership shall be made in writing to the Authority by the legal partnership at least 28 days, or such other time as the Authority may allow, before submitting Form No. 1 in Schedule 2 of these Regulations.

(3) In considering an application for approval of the name of a legal partnership, the Authority shall consider whether the proposed name has:

a) a meaning likely to bring the legal profession into disrepute or that is in bad taste or that reflects unfavourably on other legal practitioners;

b) a meaning that suggests the legal partnership concerned has specialist knowledge in any area of law or practice superior to that of other legal partnerships or other legal practitioners;

c) a meaning that suggests the normal business of the legal partnership concerned has more extensive geographical coverage than it actually has;

d) a meaning otherwise misleading to clients, potential clients or the wider public, or otherwise contrary to the public interest;

e) a meaning that expressly or impliedly solicits, encourages or offers any inducement to any person or group of class of persons to make claims for personal injuries or seek legal services in connection with such claims;

f) a meaning that expressly or by implication makes reference to the success rate of the legal partnership;

g) if applicable, not been permitted registration pursuant to the Registration of Business Names Act 1963 , or such other legislation as may from time to time be in force in respect of the use or registration of business names.

(4) The legal partnership shall use the name of the legal partnership that has been entered on the Register of Legal Partnerships as the name of the legal partnership.

(5) Subject to clause 6 of this Regulation 14, where a legal partnership wishes to alter the name of the legal partnership, the legal partnership shall notify the Authority in writing of the alteration.

(6) Where a legal partnership wishes to alter the name of the legal partnership, and where the proposed new name does not consist only of the names of some or all of the partners or former partners of the legal partnership, an application for approval of the proposed new name shall be made in writing to the Authority by the legal partnership.

(7) Any such application for a change of the name of the legal partnership shall be assessed by the Authority in accordance with clause (3) of this Regulation.

(8) Without prejudice to the foregoing, a legal partnership shall apply to alter the name of the legal partnership if the name has not been permitted registration pursuant to the Registration of Business Names Act 1963 , or such other legislation as may from time to time be in force in respect of the use or registration of business names.

(9) A legal partnership shall ensure that every communication or publication that is issued in the name and/or on behalf of the legal partnership discloses that it is issued by a legal partnership, the names of every partner of the legal partnership and whether each such partner is a practising solicitor or a practising barrister.

Register of Legal Partnerships

15. (1) On foot of a notification by a legal partnership to the Authority under Regulation 3 of these Regulations, the Authority shall enter on the Register of Legal Partnerships, as the Authority deems appropriate, the legal partnership information appearing at section 2 of Schedule 2 Form 1 and details of the partners appearing in the list of partners in the Schedule to the legal partnership commencement notification form and any other details which the Authority deems appropriate from time to time.

(2) On foot of a membership alteration notification by a legal partnership to the Authority under Regulation 5 of these Regulations, the Authority shall update the details on the Register of the Legal Partnerships as the Authority deems appropriate in accordance with the notification received.

(3) A legal partnership shall notify the Authority of any inaccuracy in the particulars recorded on the Register of Legal Partnerships, as soon as practicable upon the legal partnership becoming aware of same.

(4) The Authority shall, upon becoming aware that any particular entered on the Register of Legal Partnerships is incorrect or has ceased to be correct, make such alterations to that register as it considers necessary.

Moneys of clients

16. (1) A legal practitioner shall not hold moneys of clients unless that legal practitioner is a practising solicitor. For the avoidance of doubt, this applies to legal practitioners in a legal partnership.

(2) For the avoidance of doubt nothing in these Regulations shall be deemed to affect the obligations of practising solicitors, whether as partners of a legal partnership or employees in a legal partnership, to comply with the provisions of the Solicitors Accounts Regulations.

(3) A practising barrister in a legal partnership shall not by any act or omission interfere with the obligations of a practising solicitor in the legal partnership under the Solicitors Accounts Regulations.

(4) A practising barrister shall not hold moneys of clients, whether as a partner in a legal partnership or as an employee of a legal partnership.

(5) A solicitor-barrister legal partnership shall have systems and controls in place to ensure that a practising barrister does not hold the moneys of clients within the meaning of the Act of 2015 and these Regulations.

Standards, Procedures and Policies

17. Every legal partnership shall have in place and shall implement standards, procedures and/or policies which are appropriate and effective to ensure –

a) compliance by the partners and employees in the legal partnership with applicable provisions of the Act of 2015, these Regulations, such other regulations as may be made under the Act of 2015 from time to time and, insofar as applicable to the particular legal practitioner, the Solicitors Acts 1954 to 2015 and any regulations made thereunder;

b) the partners and employees in the legal partnership conduct themselves professionally and ethically and in accordance with any relevant code of conduct or professional code insofar as applicable to the particular legal practitioner to include a code of practice issued by the Authority;

c) the maintenance of a register of clients;

d) the maintenance of records of each matter in which the legal partnership is engaged in a manner which complies with applicable data protection requirements;

e) compliance with applicable anti-money laundering requirements with regard to the clients of the legal partnership;

f) the transfer of clients’ files to another legal partnership or to a legal practitioner upon receipt of a request and/or direction from the client to do so (but subject to the right of a legal partnership to assert a lien over the files when applicable).


18. The fee payable to the Authority for a commencement notification, a cessation notification or a membership alteration notification shall be as prescribed in Schedule 1 to these Regulations.


GIVEN under the Official Seal of the Legal Services Regulatory Authority,

26 September 2024.


Chairperson of the Legal Services Regulatory Authority


Chief Executive Officer of the Legal Services Regulatory Authority





(a) commencement notification fee


(b) cessation notification fee


(c) membership alteration notification fee






Section 1 – Notification of commencement

I, ........................................ , a partner in the legal partnership named below, hereby give notice to the Legal Services Regulatory Authority that the legal partnership intends to provide legal services.

Section 2 – Legal partnership information

Name of the legal partnership as per Regulation 14 of the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 (Legal Partnerships) Regulations 2024:


If applicable, date of approval by Authority of name of legal partnership:.................................................................................

Principal address of the legal partnership:


Date of notification: .......................................................................

Telephone number of the legal partnership: ............................................

Email address of the legal partnership: ..................................................

Date of intended commencement: ........................................................

Section 3 – Legal partnership agreement

I confirm that the legal partnership is a partnership formed under the law of the State by written agreement, by two or more legal practitioners, at least one of whom is a practising barrister, for the purpose of providing legal services and whose names and professional details I have entered in the attached schedule.

Section 4 – Professional indemnity insurance

I confirm that the legal partnership has in place, or will have in place from the date of the provision of legal services, professional indemnity insurance which complies with (tick box, as applicable):

(a) regulations made under section 47 of the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 ;

(b) regulations made under section 26 of the Solicitors Act 1994 for the time being in force;

(c) both (a) and (b) above

I confirm the following details of the applicable policy or policies, as appropriate:

Name of insurer and broker if applicable: .............................................

Policy Number: ............................................................................

Name of insurer and broker if applicable: .............................................

Policy Number: ............................................................................

Name of insurer and broker if applicable: .............................................

Policy Number: ............................................................................

Section 5 – Confirmation of fee paid

I confirm that the commencement notification fee of €575.00 was transferred to the Legal Services Regulatory Authority bank account on ................. (date).

Section 6 - Consent to use of data

By submitting this notification the partners consent to the use of the data therein by the Legal Services Regulatory Authority in the carrying out of its functions under the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 . The Legal Services Regulatory Authority may share the information within this notification with the Law Society of Ireland, the Bar of Ireland, the Honorable Society of King’s Inns and the partnership’s insurer(s) and broker(s), if applicable, for the purpose of verifying the data provided. By submitting this notification the partners consent to the provision by the Law Society of Ireland, the Bar of Ireland, the Honorable Society of King’s Inns and the partnership’s insurer(s) and broker(s), if applicable, to the Legal Services Regulatory Authority of any information sought by the Legal Services Regulatory Authority by way of verification of the within notification.

Dated this day of 20.

........................................... Signature.



The details of the partner(s) listed below should appear exactly as per the roll of practising barristers or the roll of solicitors, as appropriate.

Name of Partner

Practising Barrister (PB)/Practising Solicitor

PB No./ Solicitor No.

The Statutory Declaration below should be completed by the person submitting the notification


I, ......................................., do solemnly and sincerely declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the contents of the within notification and the schedule thereto are true and correct and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the Statutory Declarations Act 1938 .

Signed: ...............................................

Declared before me...................................................... [name in capitals] a [notary public] [commissioner for oaths] [peace commissioner] [person authorised by [insert authorising statutory provision].......................................... to take and receive statutory declarations] by ...................................

[who is personally known to me],


[who is identified to me by ................................................. who is personally known to me]


[whose identity has been established to me before the taking of this Declaration by the production to me of passport no. ........................ issued on ........................ by the authorities of ....................., which is an authority recognised by the Irish Government]


[national identity card no. ........................ issued on ........................ by the authorities of ........................ [which is an EU Member State, the Swiss Confederation or a Contracting Party to the EEA Agreement]


[Aliens Passport no. (document equivalent to a passport) ........................ issued on ........................ by the authorities of ........................ which is an authority recognised by the Irish Government]


[refugee travel document no. ........................ issued on ........................ by the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform]


[travel document (other than refugee travel document) ........................ issued on ........................ by the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform]

at ........................ [place of signature] this ...... day of ............... [date]


[signature of witness].




Section 1 – Notification of cessation

I, ................................................. , a partner in the legal partnership named below, hereby give notice to the Legal Services Regulatory Authority in accordance with Regulation 4 of the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 (Legal Partnerships) Regulations 2024 that the legal partnership intends to cease/has ceased [*delete as appropriate] providing legal services.

The cessation date is ...........................................

Section 2 – Legal partnership information

Name of the legal partnership: ............................................................

Principal address of the legal partnership: ..............................................

Telephone number of the legal partnership: ............................................

Email address of the legal partnership: .................................................

Legal partnership reference number: ....................................................

Section 3 – Confirmation of fee paid

I confirm that the cessation notification fee of €250.00 was transferred to the Legal Services Regulatory Authority bank account on ........................... (date)

Section 4 – Consent to use of data

By submitting this notification the partners consent to the use of the data therein by the Authority in the carrying out of its functions under the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 . The Legal Services Regulatory Authority may share the information within this notification with the Law Society of Ireland, the Bar of Ireland, the Honorable Society of King’s Inns and the partnership’s insurer(s) and broker(s), if applicable, for the purpose of verifying the data provided. By submitting this notification the partners consent to the provision by the Law Society of Ireland, the Bar of Ireland or the Honorable Society of King’s Inns and the partnership’s insurer(s) and broker(s), if applicable, to the Legal Services Regulatory Authority of any information sought by the Legal Services Regulatory Authority by way of verification of the within notification.

Dated this day of 20.

........................................... Signature.

The Statutory Declaration below should be completed by the person submitting the notification


I, ......................................., do solemnly and sincerely declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the contents of the within notification are true and correct and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the Statutory Declarations Act 1938 .

Signed: ...............................................

Declared before me ................................................ [name in capitals] a [notary public] [commissioner for oaths] [peace commissioner] [person authorised by [insert authorising statutory provision] ..................................... to take and receive statutory declarations] by ...................................

[who is personally known to me],


[who is identified to me by ................................................. who is personally known to me]


[whose identity has been established to me before the taking of this Declaration by the production to me of passport no. ........................ issued on ........................ by the authorities of ....................., which is an authority recognised by the Irish Government]


[national identity card no. ........................ issued on ........................ by the authorities of ........................ [which is an EU Member State, the Swiss Confederation or a Contracting Party to the EEA Agreement]


[Aliens Passport no. (document equivalent to a passport) ........................ issued on ........................ by the authorities of ........................ which is an authority recognised by the Irish Government]


[refugee travel document no. ........................ issued on ........................ by the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform]


[travel document (other than refugee travel document) ........................ issued on ........................ by the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform]

at ........................ [place of signature] this ...... day of ............... [date]


[signature of witness].




Section 1 – Notification of alteration

I, ........................................ , a partner in the legal partnership named below, hereby give notice to the Legal Services Regulatory Authority in accordance with Regulation 5 of the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 (Legal Partnerships) Regulations 2024, of an alteration to the membership of the legal partnership.

Section 2 – Legal partnership information

Name of the legal partnership: ............................................................

Principal address of the legal partnership: ..............................................

Telephone number of the legal partnership: ............................................

Email address of the legal partnership: .................................................

Legal partnership reference number: ....................................................

Section 3 – Alteration information

I have entered the name and professional details of each and every partner for whom an alteration is required in the attached schedule.

Section 4 – Confirmation of fee paid

I confirm that the membership alteration notification fee of €250.00 was transferred to the Legal Services Regulatory Authority bank account on ........................ (date)

Section 5 – Consent to use of data

By submitting this notification the partners consent to the use of the data therein by the Legal Services Regulatory Authority in the carrying out of its functions under the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 . The Legal Services Regulatory Authority may share the information within this notification with the Law Society of Ireland, the Bar of Ireland, the Honorable Society of King’s Inns and the partnership’s insurer(s) and broker(s), if applicable, for the purpose of verifying the data provided. By submitting this notification the partners consent to the provision by the Law Society of Ireland, the Bar of Ireland or the Honorable Society of King’s Inns and the partnership’s insurer(s) and broker(s), if applicable, to the Legal Services Regulatory Authority of any information sought by the Legal Services Regulatory Authority by way of verification of the within notification.

Dated this day of 20 .

........................................... Signature.



The details of the partner(s) listed below should be added to/removed from the list of partners in the legal partnership. The name of the partners should appear exactly as per the roll of practising barristers or the roll of solicitors, as appropriate.

Alteration 1

Name of partner: ...........................................................................

Nature of the alteration: Addition/Removal (delete as appropriate)

Address of partner: ........................................................................

Practising Barrister (PB) No. / Solicitor No.: ..........................................

Alteration 2

Name of partner: ...........................................................................

Nature of the alteration: Addition/Removal (delete as appropriate)

Address of partner: ........................................................................

Practising Barrister (PB) No. / Solicitor No.: ..........................................

Alteration 3

Name of partner: ...........................................................................

Nature of the alteration: Addition/Removal (delete as appropriate)

Address of partner: ........................................................................

Practising Barrister (PB) No. / Solicitor No.: ..........................................

The Statutory Declaration below should be completed by the person submitting the notification


I, ......................................., do solemnly and sincerely declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the contents of the within notification and the schedule thereto are true and correct and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the Statutory Declarations Act 1938 .

Signed: ...............................................

Declared before me...................................................... [name in capitals] a [notary public] [commissioner for oaths] [peace commissioner] [person authorised by [insert authorising statutory provision].......................................... to take and receive statutory declarations] by ...................................

[who is personally known to me],


[who is identified to me by ................................................. who is personally known to me]


[whose identity has been established to me before the taking of this Declaration by the production to me of passport no. ........................ issued on ........................ by the authorities of ....................., which is an authority recognised by the Irish Government]


[national identity card no. ........................ issued on ........................ by the authorities of ........................ [which is an EU Member State, the Swiss Confederation or a Contracting Party to the EEA Agreement]


[Aliens Passport no. (document equivalent to a passport) ........................ issued on ........................ by the authorities of ........................ which is an authority recognised by the Irish Government]


[refugee travel document no. ........................ issued on ........................ by the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform]


[travel document (other than refugee travel document) ........................ issued on ........................ by the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform]

at ........................ [place of signature] this ...... day of ............... [date]


[signature of witness].


(This note is not part of the Instrument and does not purport to be a legal interpretation.)

The purpose of these Regulations is to set out rules in relation to the operation and management of legal partnerships.