Butter Trade (Ireland) Act, 1812

Appointment of weighmasters for certain liberties.

28. And . . . whereas, by several Acts now or lately in force weigh-houses and weighmasters have been long established in the liberties of Saint Sepulchre and of Thomas Court and Donore, which said liberties are situate within the county of the city and county of Dublin: And whereas it may happen that weigh-houses and weighmasters may have been established by virtue of certain laws and customs in force in certain other liberties in Ireland, and it is expedient that weigh-houses should be continued within all such liberties, and be subject and liable to the same regulations to which any weigh-house or weighmaster to be erected, established, appointed, or continued in any places by virtue of this Act is or may be liable or subject: Be it therefore enacted, that the lord of any manor or seneschal of any liberty under and by virtue of any law or custom in force at the time of the passing of this Act, and which shall have been put in force or acted under for the space of six years before the passing of this Act, shall respectively according to such law or custom have full power and authority to appoint one weighmaster for each and every such manor or liberty, for butter and tallow, to weigh, brand, and mark all such casks and commodities, and take and receive all such sum and sums of money for weighing, branding, and marking the same, as any weighmaster or weighmasters nominated and appointed or to be appointed by or in pursuance of this Act can or may have, exercise, take, or receive by virtue of this Act; and after such casks or commodities shall be weighed, branded, or marked by the weighmaster of the said respective liberties as aforesaid, such casks or commodities shall and may be exported in such sort and manner as if weighed by the weighmaster of any place under the direction of this Act, any clause, matter, or thing in this Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding; which said weighmasters and their respective deputies shall be subject and liable to all the regulations, pains, and penalties to which any other weighmasters or their deputies appointed by this Act or in pursuance thereof are subject and liable, under the direction and controul of the lord or seneschal of any such manor or liberty respectively.