Mayor, &c. shall summon witnesses, &c.
Witnesses not appearing, or refusing to give evidence, to be committed.
30. And . . . that it shall and may be lawful for every such mayor, chief magistrate, or justice of the peace aforesaid, and before whom any such complaint or information shall be made as aforesaid, and he is hereby authorized and required, at the request of any of the parties, to issue his summons to any witness or witnesses to appear within the space of twenty-four hours, and give evidence before such mayor, chief magistrate, or justice aforesaid, as the case may be, at the time and place appointed for hearing and determining such complaint, and which time and place shall be specified in such summons; and if any person or persons so summoned to appear as a witness or witnesses as aforesaid shall not appear, or shall not give a sufficient excuse for his, her, or their default, or if any person or persons appearing according to such summons shall not submit to be examined as a witness or witnesses, and give his, her, or their evidence touching the matter of such complaint, then and in every such case it shall be lawful for such mayor, chief magistrate, or justice aforesaid, as the case may be, and he is hereby required and empowered and authorized, proof on oath (which oath the said mayor, chief magistrate, or justice aforesaid, as the case may be, is hereby required and empowered to administer in the case of any person not appearing according to such summons) having been first made of the due service of such summons on every such person, by delivering the same to him, her, or them, or by leaving the same at his, her, or their usual place of abode, by warrant under the hand and seal of such mayor, chief magistrate, or justice aforesaid, as the case may be, to commit such person or persons so making default in appearing, or appearing and refusing to give evidence, to the gaol of such city, town corporate, or county, as the case may be, to remain without bail or mainprize until such person or persons shall submit himself, herself, or themselves to be examined, and give his, her, or their evidence touching the matter of such complaint as aforesaid.