On Production of Deed, Memorial, and Copy, the Extraordinary Commissioner to certify the same.
II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That upon the said Deed, Instrument, or Writing, together with the Memorial and Copy thereof, being as herein-before required produced to the said Extraordinary Commissioner, and Proof being made thereof as before mentioned, such Extraordinary Commissioner shall immediately mark said Deed, Instrument, or Writing, with the Initials of his Name, and Day, Month, and Year when so produced to him, and thereupon return the same to the Party, and by Certificate to be signed by him, and endorsed or written upon the said Memorial and Copy respectively, certify the same in the Form or to the Effect following; that is to say,
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‘I DO hereby certify, That the Deed, of which the within Writing is a Memorial, was delivered to me in my Office in by a subscribing Witness thereto, upon this Day day the Day of One thousand eight hundred and; and that the Execution of the said Deed and Memorial was then proved by the said, as required by the Statute in that Case made and provided; and I do hereby further certify, that the said at the same Time, and therewith, delivered to me a Copy of the within Memorial, which he then verified upon Oath, as by said Statute is required; and that I have endorsed a Certificate upon said Copy, corresponding in Purport herewith.
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‘I DO hereby certify, That the Deed, of the Memorial of which Deed the within Writing is a Copy, was delivered to me in my Office in in by a subscribing Witness thereto, upon day the Day of One thousand eight hundred and; and that the Execution of said Deed and Memorial was then proved by the said as required by the Statute in that Case made and provided; and I do hereby further certify, that the said at the same Time, and therewith, delivered to me the within Copy of the said Memorial, which he then verified upon Oath, as by said Statute is required; and I have certified the same upon the said Memorial. C.D. One of the Extraordinary Commissioners of the Court of Chancery in Ireland for taking Affidavits it Great Britain.’