Railway Regulation Act, 1840

Copies of existing byelaws to be laid before the board of Trade, &c.

7. And whereas many railway companies are or may hereafter be empowered by Act of Parliament to make byelaws, orders, rules, or regulations, and to impose penalties for the enforcement thereof, upon persons other than the servants of the said companies, and it is expedient that such powers should be under proper control: Be it enacted, that true copies of all such byelaws, orders, rules, and regulations made under any such powers by every such company before the passing of this Act, certified in such manner as the lords of the said committee many from time to time direct, shall, within two calendar months after the passing of this Act, be laid before the lords of the said committee; and that every such byelaw, order, rule, or regulation, not so laid before the lords of the said committee within the aforesaid period, shall, from and after that period, cease to have any force or effect, saving in so far as any penalty may have been then already incurred under the same.