Railways Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845

The width of the bridges need not exceed the width of the existing roads in certain cases.

Bridges to be widened in certain cases.

51. Provided always, that in all cases where the average available width for the passage of carriages of any existing roads within fifty yards of the points of crossing the same is less than the width herein-before prescribed for bridges over or under the railway the width of such bridges need not be greater than such average available width of such roads, but so nevertheless that such bridges be not of less width, in the case of a turnpike road or public carriage road, than twenty feet: Provided also, that if at any time after the construction of the railway the average available width of any such road shall be increased beyond the width of such bridge on either side thereof, the company shall be bound, at their own expence, to increase the width of the said bridge to such extent as they may be required by the trustees or surveyors of such road, not exceeding the width of such road as so widened, or the maximum width herein or in the special Act prescribed for a bridge in the like case over or under the railway.