Penalty for delay in reinstating streets, &c.
11. If the undertakers open or break up any street or bridge, or any sewer, drain, or tunnel, without giving such notice as aforesaid, or in a manner different from that which shall have been approved of or determined as aforesaid, or without making such temporary or other works as aforesaid when so required, except in the cases in which the undertakers are hereby authorized to perform such works without any superintendence or notice, or if the undertakers make any delay in completing any such work, or in filling in the ground, or reinstating and making good the road or pavement, or the sewer, drain, or tunnel, so opened or broken up, or in carrying away the rubbish occasioned thereby, or if they neglect to cause the place where such road or pavement has been broken up to be fenced, guarded, and lighted, or neglect to keep the road or pavement in repair for the space of three months next after the same is made good, or such further time as aforesaid, they shall forfeit to the persons having the control or management of the street, bridge, sewer, drain, or tunnel, in respect of which such default is made, a sum not exceeding five pounds for every such offence, and they shall forfeit an additional sum of five pounds for each day during which any such delay as aforesaid shall continue after they shall have received notice thereof.