Gasworks Clauses Act, 1847

Power to open ground and examine gas pipes, to ascertain whether water is fouled by gas.

Ground, &c. to be reinstated.

26. For the purpose of ascertaining whether such water be fouled by the gas of the undertakers, the person to whom the water supposed to be fouled shall belong may dig up the ground and examine the pipes, conduits, and works of the undertakers; provided that such person, before proceeding so to dig and examine, shall give twenty-four hours notice in writing to the undertakers of the time at which such digging and examination is intended to take place, and shall give the like notice to the persons having the control or management of the road, pavement, or place where such digging is to take place; and they shall be subject to the like obligation of reinstating the said road and pavement, and the same penalties for delay or any nonfeasance or misfeasance therein, as are herein-before provided with respect to roads and pavements broken up by the undertakers for the purpose of laying their pipes.