Annuities and salaries to be in lieu of fees.
116. All annuities and salaries ordered to be paid in pursuance of the preceding section of this Act shall be payable out of the lunacy fund mentioned in the one hundred and tenth section of this Act, and at the times and in the manner to be specified in any general or special order directing the payment: Provided always, that every such annuity or salary payable by virtue of any general or special order to be made in virtue of the last preceding section shall be paid to and received by the person to whom the same shall be payable in substitution for and in lieu of such fees (if any) which he at the date of such order was in virtue of his office entitled to receive, and thenceforward, from the date of such general or special order, the fees which the person to whom such annuity or salary as aforesaid shall have been granted would have been entitled to receive shall by him from time to time, and at such time and manner as in the order granting him such salary shall direct, be paid in by him into the Bank of Ireland, to the credit of the Accountant General of the Court of Chancery and the separate credit of the lunacy fund.