Licensing Act, 1872

Exemption from closing by order of local authority in respect of certain trades.

26. [1] The local authority of any licensing district, upon the production of such evidence as such authority may deem sufficient to show that it is necessary or desirable so to do for the accommodation of any considerable number of persons attending any public market, or following any lawful trade or calling, or attending any theatre, may grant, if such authority think fit, to any licensed victualler or licensed keeper of a refreshment house, in respect of premises in the immediate neighbourhood of such market, or of the place where the persons follow such lawful trade or calling, or of any such theatre, an order exempting such person from the provisions of this Act with respect to the closing of his premises on such days and during such time, except between the hours of one and two of the clock in the morning, as may be specified in such order.

The holder of an order under this section shall not be liable to any penalty for not closing his premises on such days and during such time as may be specified in such order; but he shall not be exempt from any other penalty under this or any other Act or otherwise.

A notice in such form as may be prescribed by the local authority, stating the days and hours during which the premises are permitted to be open under such order of exemption shall be affixed and kept affixed in a conspicuous position outside the premises; and if the holder of the order of exemption make default in affixing or in keeping affixed such notice in manner aforesaid, during any part of the time for which his exemption is granted, he shall be liable to pay a penalty not exceeding five pounds.

Every person who keeps affixed to his premises any such notice when he does not hold an order under this section, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten pounds.

Any such local authority as aforesaid may at any time, if it seem fit to them, withdraw an order under this section, or alter the same by way of extension or restriction, as such authority may deem necessary or expedient, so however as not to render any person liable to any penalty for anything done under such order before the holder was informed of such withdrawal or alteration.

The following persons and bodies of persons shall be deemed to be local authorities of licensing districts for the purposes of this Act; that is to say,

(1.) In the metropolitan police district, the commissioner of police for the metropolis, subject to the approbation of one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State:

(2.) In the city of London and the liberties thereof, so far as they are not included in the metropolitan police district, the commissioner of city police, subject to the approbation of the Lord Mayor of the said city ;

(3.) In any other place, two justices of the peace in petty sessions assembled.

[1 So much of this section as provides for the granting of an order making an exemption from closing hours in respect of premises in the neighbourhood of a theatre, rep. as to E., 37 & 39 Vict. c. 49. s. 4.]