Petty Sessions Clerks and Fines (Ireland) Act, 1878

Offices of clerk of the Crown and clerk of the peace. 40 & 41 Vict. c. 56.

12. The several powers conferred by the eighth section of the County Officers and Courts (Ireland) Act, 1877, shall extend to, and may be exercised in every case in which any one or more of the offices included or which might be included in any union of offices for the holder whereof but one salary is specified m Schedule D. to the said Act shall become or be vacant, and in each case in which but one salary is in the said schedule specified for the clerk of the Crown and peace for more than one county, the Lord Lieutenant by Order in Council may unite the offices of clerk of the Crown and of clerk of the peace, and may assign a reasonable salary for the clerk of the Crown and peace, for each such county, and may vary any one or more of the salaries specified in the said schedule and such salaries shall be paid in the same manner as, but in lieu of, the salary or salaries specified in the said schedule and affected by such Order: Provided, that by the exercise of the powers aforesaid the salary of any officer shall not be diminished during his tenure of office, nor shall the total amount of all the salaries made payable at any time be increased beyond the total amount in the said schedule mentioned. The several powers aforesaid shall extend and may be applied to each riding of the county of Cork as a separate county, and either riding may for the purposes of the said Act, and of this section, be united with the county of the city of Cork. The duties under the said Act and under this Act of every officer appointed to any office included or which might be included in any union of offices made or which might be made under any of the powers aforesaid may be defined, distributed, prescribed, and regulated by Order of the Lord Lieutenant made by and with the advice and consent of the Privy Council.
