Registration of Clubs (Ireland) Act, 1904

Power to cancel certificate of registration.

9.—(1) On summary complaint by or at the instance of any person competent to lodge objections to the grant or renewal of a certificate of registration it shall be lawful for the court to make an order that, on grounds to be specified therein, a registered club is being so managed or carried on as to constitute a ground of objection to the renewal of its certificate as hereinbefore provided.

(2) Where such order has been made or where a conviction has taken place, under the provisions of the immediately preceding section, the registrar shall forthwith make an entry of the order or conviction in the register of clubs and lay the same before the court, and it shall be lawful for the court, if it thinks fit and after such further inquiry as it may think necessary, having regard to the magnitude of the offence or to the grounds specified as aforesaid, to cancel the certificate of the club for the period for which it may still have to run, provided always that it shall be competent for such club to apply for the renewal of the certificate at the date at which it would have been competent to do so had the certificate not been cancelled.

(3) Where the court has refused an application by any club for the renewal of a certificate, or has cancelled the certificate of a club in manner provided as aforesaid, it may, if it think fit, further pronounce an order that the premises occupied by such club shall not be used for the purposes of any club which requires registration under this Act for a specified period, which may extend to twelve months in case of a first order, or in case of a second or subsequent order to five years: Provided that any such order may, for good cause shown, be subsequently cancelled or varied by the court.