Superannuation Act, 1914
Power to grant superannuation allowances to civil servants transferred to other employment in certain cases. 55 & 56 Vict. c. 46. 22 Vict. c. 62. |
4.—(1) If a civil servant has been before the passing of this Act or is thereafter transferred, with the consent of the head officer of his department, to employment which is approved employment within the meaning of this section, it shall be lawful, upon his retirement from that employment under conditions which would have entitled him to any superannuation allowance, additional allowance, or gratuity had he continued to be employed as a civil servant, for the Treasury, if the head officer of the department in which he was serving at the time of transfer makes a recommendation to that effect, to grant to him, out of moneys provided by Parliament, such superannuation allowance, additional allowance, or gratuity as might have been granted to him if, at the date of transfer, he had retired from the Civil Service on the ground of ill-health. | |
(2) For the purposes of this section “approved employment” means employment, whether within or without His Majesty's Dominions (not being employment in a public office within the meaning of the Superannuation Act, 1892 , service in which qualifies for the grant of a superannuation allowance), which is recognised by the head officer of the department in which the civil servant was serving at the time of transfer, and by the Treasury, as being employment to which it is expedient that the provisions of this section should apply. | ||
(3) Section twelve of the Superannuation Act, 1859 , is hereby repealed, but nothing in this repeal shall affect the rights of any officer who, before the passing of this Act, has been transferred from employment entitling him to a superannuation allowance to public employment under the Crown not so entitling him nor shall this repeal affect the said section as applied by any other enactment. |