Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923


Power to make Regulations.


31.—The Minister may make regulations not inconsistent with this Part of this Act relating to all or any of the following matters or things, namely:—

(a) The various combatant arms and departmental services in the Forces.

(b) The numerical establishments of corps and other units of the Forces, and the various divisions, branches, grades ranks, and appointments therein.

(c) The training and inspection of the Forces, the formation of training camps, and the holding of manoeuvres for the Forces.

(d) The attendance at special classes and courses of instruction of members of the Forces selected for such attendance, and the examination of members of the Forces as to proficiency in military professional subjects, and as to their general educational qualifications; the granting of certificates of proficiency in military professional subjects.

(e) The seniority of officers in the Forces, the appointment to, promotion in, and tenure of commissioned and non-commissioned rank in the Forces.

(f) The tenure in any office, appointment or capacity in the Forces and the age limit for retirement for members of the Forces holding office or serving in any capacity or appointment.

(g) The leave of absence of members of the Forces.

(h) The issue and care of arms, accoutrements, ammunition supplies, animals and transport, clothing and equipment for the Forces.

(i) The establishment and conduct of camp, barrack, battalion, or district institutions for providing recreation and refreshment to members of the Forces.

(j) Returns, books, forms, and correspondence relating to the Forces.

(k) All matters which are by this Part of this Act required or permitted to be prescribed or which are necessary or convenient to be prescribed for securing the good government of the Forces, or for carrying out and giving effect to the provisions of this Part of this Act, other than matters which are by this Part of this Act required or permitted to be prescribed by the Executive Council.