Rates of wages and conditions of employment at licensed premises.
39.—(1) Wages payable to a workman employed at licensed premises shall be at a rate not less than the rate generally recognised by trade unions and employers as the rate applicable to workmen employed in a similar kind of work at similar licensed premises.
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(2) The conditions of employment (other than the rate of wages) of a workman employed at licensed premises shall not be less advantageous than the conditions of employment generally recognised by trade unions and employers as the conditions of employment applicable to workmen employed in a similar kind of work at similar licensed premises.
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(3) If at any licensed premises the provisions of this section in relation to any workman employed at such premises are not observed, the holder of the licence in respect of such premises shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds.
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Prohibition of Curing Bacon for Sale by Persons, other than Registered Minor Curers, Registered Pork Butchers, and Licensees.