Term of office of ordinary members and substitutive members.
82.—(1) Every ordinary member (other than a person appointed to fill a casual vacancy) shall, unless he sooner dies, resigns, or becomes disqualified, hold office—
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(a) in case he is elected in the election year 1935, from the establishment of the Board until the 31st day of December, 1936;
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(b) in case he is elected in any other election year, for a period of three years from the 1st day of January next following such election.
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(2) Every substitutive member shall, unless he sooner dies, resigns, becomes disqualified, or is appointed to fill a casual vacancy amongst the ordinary members, hold office as a substitutive member—
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(a) in case he is elected in the election year 1935, from the date of the establishment of the Board until the 31st day of December, 1936;
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(b) in case he is elected in any other election year, for a period of three years from the 1st day of January next following such election.
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(3) An ordinary member or a substitutive member retiring on the expiration by effluxion of time of his term of office shall be eligible for re-election.