S.I. No. 216/1987 - European Communities (Marketing Standards For Eggs) Regulations, 1987.

S.I. No. 216 of 1987.


I, MICHAEL O'KENNEDY, Minister for Agriculture and Food, in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3 of the European Communities Act, 1972 (No. 27 of 1972), and for the purposes of giving further effect to Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2772/75 of 29 October, 19751, as amended by Council Regulation (EEC) No. 1831/84 of 19 June, 19842, Council Regulation (EEC) No. 3341/84 of 28 November, 19843, and Council Regulation (EEC) No. 3494/86 of 13 November, 19864, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, hereby make the following Regulations:—

1 O.J. No. L 282/56 of 1/11/75.

2 O.J. No. L172/2 of 30/6/84.

3 O.J. No. L312/7 of 30/11/84.

4 O.J. No. L 323/1 of 18/11/86.

1. These Regulations may be cited as the European Communities (Marketing Standards for Eggs) Regulations, 1987, and shall come into operation on the 1st day of October, 1987.

2. The European Communities (Marketing Standards for Eggs) Regulations, 1973 ( S.I. No. 128 of 1973 ), the European Communities (Marketing Standards for Eggs) Regulations, 1977 ( S.I. No. 325 of 1977 ), and these Regulations may be cited together as the European Communities (Marketing Standards for Eggs) Regulations, 1973 to 1987, and shall be construed together as one.

3. There shall be paid to the Minister by a holder of an authorisation relating to a packing centre granted under Regulation 3 of the European Communities (Marketing Standards for Eggs) Regulations, 1973, on or before the 1st day of October in each year—

( a ) a fee of £100 for a packing centre with a maximum grader capacity of 10 cases of eggs or less per hour, or

( b ) a fee of £250 for a packing centre with a maximum grader capacity of more than 10 cases of eggs per hour.

4. Fees charged under these Regulations shall be collected and taken in such manner as the Minister for Finance directs and shall be paid into or disposed of for the benefit of the Exchequer in accordance with the directions of that Minister.

5. The Public Offices Fees Act, 1879, shall not apply in respect of fees charged under these Regulations.

GIVEN under my Official Seal this 18th day of August, 1987.


Minister for Agriculture and



These Regulations provide for the payment of annual fees by authorised egg packing centres.