Children and Family Relationships Act 2015

Information to be provided for purposes of section 16

17. (1) The operator of a DAHR facility shall, before a person makes a declaration under section 16 (5)(b), inform him or her—

(a) that, in the event that he or she consents under section 16 to the use of the embryo in a further DAHR procedure, and a child is born as a result of that procedure, he or she shall not be the parent of the child,

(b) of his or her right under section 18 , in the event that he or she consents under section 16 to the use of the embryo in a further DAHR procedure, to revoke that consent, and

(c) where subsection (2) applies, of the matters specified in that subsection.

(2) Where a person referred to in subsection (1) has provided a gamete that was used in the formation of the embryo concerned, the facility referred to in that subsection shall, in addition, inform the person that—

(a) in the event that he or she consents under section 16 to the use of the embryo in a further DAHR procedure—

(i) he or she is entitled to seek the information referred to in section 34 (2), and

(ii) where such a further DAHR procedure is performed, he or she consents to the provision to the Minister of the information referred to in section 28 (3)(a) in respect of him or her,


(b) in the event that a child is born as a result of the further DAHR procedure—

(i) the information specified in section 33 (3)(d) in relation to him or her shall be recorded on the Register,

(ii) the child may, in accordance with section 35 , access the information specified in section 33 (3)(d) in respect of him or her and seek to contact him or her,

(iii) the person’s entitlement to obtain information recorded on the Register is subject to section 36 and is otherwise restricted to the information referred to in section 34 (2), and

(iv) having regard to the child’s right to his or her identity it is desirable that he or she keep updated, in accordance with section 38 (1), the information in relation to him or her that is recorded on the Register.