Health (Assisted Human Reproduction) Act 2024

Application for cancellation of direction specified in enforcement notice

177. (1) The holder to whom an enforcement notice has been given may, on notice to the AHRRA, not later than 30 days after being given the notice, apply to the court for the cancellation of any direction specified in the notice and, on such an application, the court may—

(a) cancel the direction,

(b) confirm the direction, or

(c) vary the direction,

and whether paragraph (a), (b) or (c) is applicable, make such order as to costs as it thinks fit in respect of the application.

(2) The decision of the court on a direction specified in an enforcement notice shall be final save that, by leave of the High Court, an appeal by the holder, or the AHRRA, as the case may be, from the decision shall lie to the High Court on a question of law.