Updated to 11 December 2024 (Act No. 48 of 2024 and S.I. No. 697 of 2024)



SectionCommencement DateCommencement Information
Whole Act  3 August 1961 Commenced on enactment

Amendments and other effects

How AffectedAffecting Provision
Rep., exc. ss. 3 (3), 5, 6. 4/1966, s.21, sch.
Ss. 3 (3), 5, 6 rstrct. retro. & rep. prosp. 4/1966, s.3
Ss. 3 (3), 5, 6 rep. 15/1988, s.53, sch. 2
S. 91 portable signs to be used by the Garda Síochána prescribed S.I. No. 181 of 1997, regs. 2, 43, sch. 1
S. 95(2) form and significance of traffic signs prescribed S.I. No. 181 of 1997, regs. 2, 5-42, schs. 1-9
S. 96(2) uniform to be worn by a school warden prescribed S.I. No. 181 of 1997, regs. 2, 44

SIs made under the Act

SectionSIs made under the Act