Updated to 11 December 2024
(Act No. 48 of 2024 and S.I. No. 697 of 2024)
Section | Commencement Date | Commencement Information |
Whole Act |
18 July 1932 |
Commenced on enactment |
Amendments and other effects
How Affected | Affecting Provision |
S.1, duty term. |
E.I.D. (No. 117) O., 1937 |
S.2, sch. 1, duty term. |
22/1954, s.20, sch. 2, ref. no. 1 |
Ss. 3-9, duties term., new duties. |
I.D. (No. 128) O., 1962 E.I.D. (No. 273) O., 1952 |
S.8 (3) rep. |
31/1936, s.27, sch. 5 |
S.10, duties term. |
15/1933, s.32, sch. 8, ref. no. 3 |
S.11, duty term., new duty. |
I.D. (No. 128) O., 1962 |
S.11 (4) rep. |
31/1936, s.27, sch. 5 |
S.12, duty term., new duty. |
I.D. (No. 128) O., 1962 |
S.13, duty term., new duty. |
I.D. (No. 128) O., 1962 |
S.15, duty term. |
22/1954, s.20, sch. 2, ref. no. 2 |
SIs made under the Act
Section | SIs made under the Act |
None |