Sheriffs Act, 1634



An Act for the swearing of under-sheriffs, and other officers.

27 Eliz. 12. Eng.

11 Anne, 8.

12 G. 1. 4.

Misbehaviour of undersheriffs in impannelling juries, &c.

Oath to be taken by under-sheriffs, and before whom.

FORASMUCH as grievous complaints are many times made of the misdemeanors and evill behaviour of under-sheriffes, who oftentimes having to them committed by the high sheriffe the whole or part of the exercising and executing of the office of the high-sheriffe, and not taking any corporall oath, as the high sheriffe doth, for the executing and discharging of the same office, doe therefore dayly, most injuriously, through corruption and affection impanell jurors for the Kings Majesty, and betwixi party and party, to the great losse, hinderance and damage of divers his Majesties loving subjects of this realme: For reformation whereof, be it enacted by the authority of this present Parliament, that all and every person and persons, that from and after the first day of May next ensuing, shall be admitted to, or take upon him the executing of the Office of an under-sheriffe in any shire or county within this realme of Ireland, before he intermeddle with the use or exercise of the said office, shall receive and take a corporall oath upon the holy evangelists, before the justices of assize, or one of them of the same circuite, wherein that countie is, whereof he shall be under-sheriffe, or before the custos Rotulorum, or two justices of the peace, whereof one to be of the Quorum of the said county whereof he shall be under-sheriffe as aforesaid; which oath shall be as followeth; that is to say: