City of Dublin Act 1729

Watchman, on default of distress, sent to the house of correction 10 days.

When fit scavengers presented at any leet for the liberties, grand jury shall ascertain annual sums payable by inhabitants, as effectual as if by 6 G. I. 15. Sec. 4.

VII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That when any fit person or persons shall be presented for scavenger or scavengers at any court-leet to be held for the liberties of Saint Sepulchre’s, Thomas-court, and Donore, the grand juries of the said respective liberties shall in such their respective presentments ascertain the annual sum or sums of money, which shall be paid by the respective inhabitants of the said liberties for cleansing the streets and lanes of the same; which presentment shall be as effectual in that behalf, as if the same were made in any court-leet for the said liberties held immediately after Easter, as was directed by an act made in the sixth year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the first, intituled, An act for the more effectual amendment of the pavements of the several counties of cities, and counties of towns in this kingdom; and for preventing mischiefs that may happen by fire in the city of Dublin; and for augmenting the number of backney-coaches and chairs in the said city; the said act, or any law or statute, to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding.