and in the presentment name applotters,
to be sworn
Inhabitants not paying, levied by distress, on seneschal’s warrant.
VIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the grand juries for the said liberties respectively shall also in such presentment name two or more applotters, who shall be sworn in open court equally and indifferently to applot such sum or sums of money upon the several inhabitants of the said respective liberties; and in case any of the inhabitants thereof shall neglect or refuse to pay the sum so applotted to be paid by him or them respectively to the said scavenger by the said presentment, that then and so often the seneschals of the respective liberties shall issue a warrant under their hands and seals to levy the same by distress, and cause so much of the offenders goods to be sold, as shall pay the scavenger the sum, that the said offender was obliged to pay by the said presentments and applotment, rendring the overplus to the owner.