Light erected in Waterford and Galway by persons appointed under corporation seal.
as by 6 G. 1. 18.
The like method of charging inhabitants,
and remedy for non-payment.
the like penalties,
and privilege to persons sued for acting.
Replevins heard summarily by chief magistrate.
Appointees in 21 days to give 500 l. security, take the oaths, &C.
to continue during good behaviour.
IX. And whereas the erecting and putting up lights in the cities of Dublin, Corke, and Limerick hath been found to be of great use for preventing murders and robberies there; and that the putting up the like and regularly keeping them in the city of Waterford, and town of Galway, and liberties thereof, may prevent the like evils and other mischiefs therein: be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall be lawful for the said city of Waterford and town of Galway by writing under their respective corporation seals from time to time to nominate and appoint such person or persons, as to them shall seem proper, to erect and put up such lights in the said city and town, and the liberties thereof; which persons so to be nominated and appointed, and no other, shall have full power and authority to erect and put up lights in the said city and town, and liberties thereof, in the same manner, of the like kind, dimensions, fashion, and goodness; and set up of the same height, and placed at the like distance; and to be maintained with good and sufficient lights, to be lighted up and continue burning with double wick, and a sufficient quantity of rape-oyl of the produce of this kingdom; or of sunfish-oyl made in this kingdom, as directed by an act of Parliament made in the sixth year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the first, intituled, An act for erecting and continuing lights in the city of Dublin, and the several liberties adjoining; and also in the cities of Corke and Limerick, and liberties thereof; and for the paying and bearing all the charges and expences of all the said lanthorns and publick lights so to be erected and maintained, there shall be allowed and paid by the inhabitants of the said city and town, and the liberties thereof respectively, the like sum and sums of money, by such payments, and at such times, and in like manner, as is appointed by the before mentioned act to be paid in the said cities of Dublin, Corke, and Limerick, and the liberties aforesaid for the lights there erected; and that the persons, so to be nominated and appointed as aforesaid, shall by themselves or servants have full power and lawful authority to collect, distrain, and receive to his or their own use all such sum and sums of money, as shall be payable for erecting and maintaining such lights, according to the rates and in such manner as by the aforesaid act is appointed for erecting and maintaining lights in the said cities of Dublin, Corke, and Limerick, and in case of non-payment by the space of twenty one days after demand made it shall and may be lawful to and for such person or persons, as shall be nominated and appointed as aforesaid, or their servants within the said city and town, and liberties respectively, from time to time and at all times hereafter, as often as there shall be occasion, to distrain for such assessment or rates upon any inhabitant, that shall refuse or neglect to pay the same, and to make sale of such distress or distresses, deducting thereout what shall be really due, returning the overplus to the owner; and in case the person or persons so to be nominated and appointed as aforesaid, or those to be employed by them to attend the said lamps, shall be negligent in performing their duties respectively in erecting and fitting of Lanthorns and lamps in all convenient places within the said city, town, and liberties, or in maintaining the lights and snuffing them, and cleansing the glass of the lanthorns, as they ought to be, or if any person or persons employed to attend the lamps shall imbezle or misapply the oyl, cotton, or wick, delivered to him or them, or if any person or person shall wilfully and maliciously break any lanthorns or lights, or pull out any irons fixed for holding them, or break any glass-windows or pallisadoes, and shall be thereof convicted before the chief magistrate of the said city or town respectively for the time being, in like manner as mentioned in the aforesaid act relating to the cities of Dublin, Corke, and Limerick, such person and persons shall forfeit for every such default, neglect, or offence, such and the like forfeitures, as are mentioned in the said act, to be levied and disposed of, and suffer such penalties, as the said act directs, with like privilege to any person or persons, that shall be sued for doing or causing to be done any thing in pursuance hereof, of pleading the general issue, and giving the special matter in evidence, and having such costs, as is mentioned in the aforesaid act relating to Dublin, Corke, and Limerick; and if any replevins shall be brought or prosecuted for any distress to be taken by virtue hereof, the same shall be heard summarily and finally determined by and before the chief magistrate of the said city and town respectively for the time being, and not elsewhere, in like manner as by the said act the lord mayor of Dublin, and the mayors of Corke and Limerick, are to determine such replevins; and that the person or persons, that shall be nominated and appointed as aforesaid shall in twenty one days after being so nominated and appointed enter into security of five hundred pounds sterl. before the respective chief magistrate of the said city and town for true performance on their parts of all, that ought to be observed and performed by them according to the directions of the aforesaid act relating to the cities of Dublin, Corke, and Limerick, and at the same time take before such chief magistrate the oaths, and subscribe the declaration, mentioned in the act to prevent the further growth of popery, and continue in such office or employment respectively during good behaviour, and no louger.