Weighmasters shall provide weigh-houses, &c.
3. And . . . that all and every public weighmaster or joint public weighmasters, his and their successor or successors in such office, heretofore nominated and appointed or hereafter to be nominated and appointed pursuant to this Act, shall provide or cause to be provided a sufficient and convenient weigh house or weigh houses in each city or the suburbs thereof, town corporate, seaport, or place of export, and market town, where no such weigh house or weigh houses have been heretofore provided, together with weights, beams, scales, branding irons, and other necessaries, at his and their own proper costs and charges, and shall attend at his and their respective weigh house or weigh houses by himself, themselves, or by a sufficient deputy or deputies appointed or to be appointed under the hand and seal of such public weighmaster or joint public weighmasters and tasters (such deputy or deputies to be removable at pleasure of the person or persons so appointing such deputy or deputies, or in manner hereafter mentioned) every day in the week (Sundays, Christmas Day, Saint Stephen’s Day, and New Year’s Day excepted), from eight of the clock in the morning until one and from two in the afternoon until four from the twenty-ninth day of September until the twenty-fifth day of March, and from thence until the twenty-ninth day of September from six of the clock in the morning until one and from two in the afternoon until seven, and then and there weigh, brand, and mark all such butter and casks as by this Act they are required, such butter being first tasted and approved of by such taster or tasters, which they are hereby required to do.