Butter Trade (Ireland) Act, 1812

Weighmasters, &c. removable for misbehaviour.

4. And . . . that the mayor, aldermen, and common council of each city, chief magistrate and burgesses of each town corporate, justices of the peace of each county in which each seaport or place of export and each market town respectively lie, at their general quarter sessions of the peace to be held for such county, together with the acting assistant barrister of such county, shall and may from time to time, upon oath of one or more credible witness or witnesses, or upon the affirmation or affirmations (if such witness or witnesses be of the profession of a Quaker, and which oath or affirmation the persons aforesaid before whom any complaint shall be so made is hereby empowered to adminster), and upon full proof of the misbehaviour of such public weighmaster or joint public weighmasters, his or their successor or successors, deputy or deputies, or any of them, in his or their office, upon full hearing of him or them, or upon his or their being duly summoned and neglecting to appear (such summons being in writing and under the hand and seal of such mayor, chief magistrate, or two or more justices of the peace, and served upon the party complained against forty-eight hours at the least previous to the day on which such party is required to appear), remove such public weighmaster or weighmasters, his or their successor or successors, deputy or deputies, taster or tasters, or any of them, as the case may be.