Penalty on principals in offices taking fees, &c. contrary to this Act, 100l., with loss of office, and incapacity for holding office.
6. If any person who shall hold any of the said offices mentioned and described in any of the tables to this Act annexed, shall, by himself or by his deputy, or by any clerk or person authorized on his behalf, wilfully and knowingly ask, demand, have, take, receive, or accept, directly or indirectly, any gift, fee, reward, gratuity, or remuneration, for or by reason or on account or under pretext of any service in any of the offices in the said tables specified, other than and except only such fees and sums of money as shall from time to time be lawful under the provisions of this Act, or shall wilfully and knowingly ask, demand, have, take, or receive or accept, directly or indirectly, any gift, fee, reward, gratuity, or remuneration, for or by reason or on account or under pretext of any service in any way concerning or relating to the business of any of the said respective offices, not then allowed to be taken under the provisions of this Act, every such person so offending shall for every such offence forfeit and lose the sum of one hundred pounds, and shall also forfeit and lose all and every office and offices in or under the said Court of Chancery, which such person shall hold or be possessed of at the time of such offence, and shall for ever after be incapable and incapacitated from holding any office in or under the said court.