Court of Chancery (Ireland) Act, 1823

Oath to be taken by officers and clerks of the Court of Chancery.

Penalty on acting without having taken the oath, 20l. per day.

7. No person whatsoever shall in anywise act in the business of any of the offices or places under the said Court of Chancery mentioned in the tables to this Act annexed or any of them, or shall do any Act relating to the business of any such office, whether as a principal or deputy, or a clerk, until such person shall have taken and subscribed before the lord chancellor or lord keeper or commissioners for the custody of the great seal of Ireland an oath in the form following; that is to say,

‘I A.B. do solemnly swear, that I will, to the best of my knowledge, skill, and judgment, execute and perform such of the duties of the office of [here state the description of the office] in the Court of Chancery in Ireland, as I shall personally execute; and that I will well and faithfully pay every deputy or clerk, whom I shall or may at any time employ in any part of the business of the said office, such salaries and allowances as they shall from time to time be respectively entitled to by law, or such additional sum as I shall contract or agree to pay to them respectively; and that I will not, by myself, or by any deputy or clerk or other person or persons, ask or demand, or have, take, accept, or receive any gift, fee, reward, gratuity, or remuneration whatever, other than such as shall at the time of receiving the same be authorized and allowed by the tables which shall be then in force, or under the provisions of some Act of Parliament; and that I will in all things relating to my said office conduct myself according to the rules and regulations which shall from time to time be in force for the regulation of such office and of the business thereof.

‘So help me GOD.’

And any officer, deputy clerk, or other person who shall personally act in any matters relating to the business of any such office in the said court, without having taken and subscribed such oath as aforesaid, shall for every day on which he shall so act forfeit the sum of twenty pounds.