Infants' Property Act, 1830

In default of appearance, the lord may appoint an attorney.

5. In default of such appearance of any infant, feme covert, or lunatic, in his or her own person, or by his or her guardian, committee, or attorney in that behalf, and of acceptance of such admittance as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the lord of every such manor, or his steward, after such three several courts have been duly holden for such manor, and proclamations in such several courts been regularly made, to appoint, at any subsequent court to be holden for such manor, any fit person to be attorney for every such infant, feme covert, or lunatic for that purpose only, and by such attorney to admit every such infant, feme covert, or lunatic to the said land, according to such estate as such infant, feme covert, or lunatic shall be legally entitled to therein, and upon every such admittance to impose and set such fine as might have been legally imposed and set if such infant had been of full age, or if such feme covert had been sole and unmarried, and if such lunatic had been of sane mind.