Fines, in what manner demandable.
If not paid, &c. the lord may enter and receive the profits of the copyhold till he is satisfied, &c.
6. Upon every such admittance of any infant, feme covert, or lunatic, as aforesaid, the fine imposed and set thereupon shall and may be demanded by the bailiff or agent of the lord of such manor, by a note in writing, signed by the lord of such manor or by his steward, to be left with the guardian of such infant, or such infant if he have no guardian, or with such feme covert or her husband, or with the committee of the estate of such lunatic, or with the tenant or occupier of the land to which such infant, feme covert, or lunatic shall have been admitted as aforesaid; and if the fine so imposed and set be not paid or tendered to such lord or his steward within three months after such demand made, then it shall be lawful for the lord of such manor to enter into and upon the copyhold land to which any such infant, feme covert, or lunatic shall be so admitted, and to hold and enjoy the same, and to receive the rents, issues, and profits thereof, but without liberty to fell any timber standing thereon, for so long time only and until by such rents, issues, and profits such lord shall be fully paid and satisfied such fine, together with all reasonable costs and charges which such lord shall have been put unto in levying and raising the same, and in obtaining the possession of such copyhold land, although such infant, feme covert, or lunatic shall happen to die before such fine and fines, and the costs and charges aforesaid, shall be raised and collected; of all which rents, issues, and profits so to be received by such lord of such manor, or his steward, bailiff, or servant, upon the occasion aforesaid, such lord shall yearly and every year, upon demand to be made by the person who shall be entitled to the surplus of the said rents and profits, over and above what will pay and satisfy such fine and costs and charges, or by the person who shall be then entitled to such copyhold land, give and render a just and true account, and shall pay the same surplus, if any, to such person as shall be entitled to the same.