Infants' Property Act, 1830

The lord to account yearly, and to deliver up possession on satisfaction of the fines.

7. As soon as such fine, and the costs, charges, and expences aforesaid, shall be fully paid and satisfied, or if, after such seizure and entry of and upon such copyhold land for the purposes aforesaid, such fine, and the costs and charges aforesaid, shall be lawfully tendered and offered to be paid and satisfied to the lord of such manor, then and in any of the said cases it shall be lawful for such infant, feme covert, lunatic, or other person entitled thereto, or the guardian of such infant, the husband of such feme covert, or the committee of such lunatic, to enter upon and take possession of and hold the said copyhold land according to the estate or interest such infant, feme covert, or lunatic shall be lawfully entitled to therein, and the lord of such manor shall and is hereby required in any of the said cases to deliver possession thereof accordingly; and if such lord, after such fine and the costs and charges aforesaid shall be fully paid and satisfied, or after the same shall have been tendered or offered to be paid as aforesaid, shall refuse to deliver the possession of the said copyhold land as aforesaid, he or they shall be liable to and shall make satisfaction to the person or persons so kept out of possession for all the damages that he or she shall thereby sustain, and all the costs and charges that he or she shall be put unto for the recovery thereof.