Literary and Scientific Institutions Act, 1854

Persons not having legal Estates empowered to convey Lands for Purposes of this Act without the Concurrence of their Trustees.

V. Where any Person shall be equitably entitled to any Manor or Land, but the legal Estate therein shall be vested in some Trustee or Trustees, it shall be sufficient for such Person to convey the Land proposed to be granted for the Purpose of this Act, without the Trustee or Trustees being Party to the Conveyance thereof; and where it is deemed expedient to purchase for the purpose aforesaid any Land belonging to or vested in any Infant or Lunatic, such Land may be conveyed by the Guardian or Curator of such Infant or the Committee of such Lunatic respectively, who may receive the Purchase Money for the same, and give valid and sufficient Discharges to the Party paying such Purchase Money, who shall not be required to see to the Application thereof.