Literary and Scientific Institutions Act, 1854

Corporation, Justices, Trustees, &c. to convey Lands for the Purposes of this Act.

5 & 6 W. 4. c. 69.

VI. Any Corporation, Ecclesiastical or Lay, whether sole or aggregate, and any Officers, Justices of the Peace, Trustees, or Commissioners, holding Land for public, ecclesiastical, parochial, charitable, or other Purposes or Objects, may, subject to the Provisions herein-after mentioned, grant, convey, or enfranchise for the Purpose of this Act such Quantity of Land as aforesaid, in any Manner vested in such Corporation, Officers, Justices, Trustees, or Commissioners; provided, that no Ecclesiastical Corporation Sole, being below the Dignity of a Bishop, shall be authorized to make such Grant without the Consent in Writing of the Bishop of the Diocese to whose Jurisdiction the said Ecclesiastical Corporation shall be subject; provided also, that no Parochial Property shall be granted for such Purpose without the Consent of a Majority of the Ratepayers and Owners of Property in the Parish to which the same belongs, assembled at a Meeting to be convened according to the Mode pointed out in the Act passed in the Sixth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty, intituled An Act to facilitate the Conveyance of Workhouses and other Property of Parishes and of Incorporations or Unions of Parishes in England and Wales, and without the Consent of the Poor Law Board, to be testified by their Seal being affixed to the Deed of Conveyance, and of the Guardians of the Poor of the Union within which the said Parish may be comprised, or of the Guardians of the Poor of the said Parish where the Administration of the Relief of the Poor therein shall be subject to a Board of Guardians, testified by the Guardians of such Union or Parish being the Parties to convey the same; and that no Property held upon Trust for charitable Purposes shall be granted without the Consent of the Charity Commissioners.