Literary and Scientific Institutions Act, 1854

Where Part only of Lands subject to a Rent under Lease is conveyed, the Rent and Fine upon Renewal of Lease may be apportioned.

VIII. If Part only of any Land held in Fee subject to a perpetual Rent, or comprised in a Lease for a Term of Years unexpired, shall be conveyed or agreed to be conveyed for the Purpose of this Act, the Rent payable in respect of the Lands subject thereto, and any Fines certain or fixed Sum of Money to be paid upon any Renewals of the Lease, or either of such Payments, may be apportioned between the Part of the said Land so conveyed or agreed to be conveyed and the Residue thereof, and such Apportionment may be settled by Agreement between the Parties following; that is to say, the Person for the Time being entitled to the Rent where the Land is held in Fee or the Lessor or other the Owner subject to such Lease of the Lands comprised therein, the Person entitled to the Fee subject to the Rent, or the Lessee or other Party entitled to the Land by virtue of such Lease or any Assignment thereof for the Residue of the Term thereby created, and the Party to whom such Conveyance as aforesaid for the Purpose of this Act is made or agreed to be made; and when such Apportionment shall so be made it shall be binding on all Under-lessees and other Persons and Corporations whatsoever, whether Parties to the said Agreement or not.