Literary and Scientific Institutions Act, 1854

How such Parties may convey.

7 G. 4. c. 18.

VII. Where any Officers, Trustees, or Commissioners, other than Parochial Trustees, shall make any such Grant, it shall be sufficient if a Majority or Quorum authorized to act of such Officers, Trustees, or Commissioners, assembled at a Meeting duly convened, shall assent to such Grant, and shall execute the Deed of Conveyance, although they shall not constitute a Majority of the actual Body of such Officers, Trustees, or Commissioners; and the Justices of the Peace may give their Consent to the making any Grant of Land or Premises belonging to any County, Riding, or Division by Vote at their General Quarter Sessions, and may direct the same to be made in the Manner directed to be pursued on the Sale of the Sites of Gaols by an Act passed in the Seventh Year of the Reign of His late Majesty George the Fourth, intituled An Act to authorize the Disposal of unnecessary Prisons in England.