Revenue Act, 1862

Penalty on selling cards without licence.

31. [1] If any person shall sell or offer for sale any cards without having a licence in force for the same granted under this Act he shall forfeit twenty pounds; and any person who shall sell cards at any house or place not specified in a licence granted to him shall be deemed to be a person selling cards without having a licence; and any person who shall be found hawking or carrying about for sale any cards, whether enclosed in a stamped wrapper or not, and who shall sell the same or offer the same for sale at any place for which he shall have no licence, may be apprehended by any constable or officer of Inland Revenue, and taken before any justice of the peace, who shall hear and determine the matter; and if upon conviction of such offence the offender shall not immediately pay the penalty in which he shall be convicted, he shall be committed to prison for any period not exceeding three months nor less than one month, unless the penalty shall be sooner paid; and all cards which he shall be found trading with or carrying about shall be forfeited, and delivered up to the Commissioners to be dealt with as cards forfeited under this Act.

[1 Ss. 30, 31 are rep. except as to makers of cards, 38 & 39 Vict. c. 66. (S.L.R.)]