Restriction on bringing foreign goods from Isle of Man to Great Britain or Ireland.
278. [1]
No foreign goods upon which a higher duty is payable on their importation into Great Britain or Ireland than on their importation into the Isle of Man shall, after the same have been cleared and delivered out of charge of the proper officers of Customs for consumption or otherwise in the said isle, be carried or shipped or be water-borne, or be brought to any quay wharf or other place to be shipped or water-borne to be carried from the said isle into Great Britain or Ireland; nor shall any such goods which may be brought to the said isle, though not cleared and delivered as aforesaid, be removed or carried to be brought or taken from thence into Great Britain or Ireland until the same shall have been duly cleared for that purpose by the proper officer of Customs, nor (unless reported for removal in the same ship and in continuation of the voyage to some port in Great Britain or Ireland) until sufficient security by bond or otherwise shall have been given in such manner and on such terms and conditions as the Commissioners of Customs may direct for the due delivery thereof at some port or place in Great Britain or Ireland, and no British or Irish spirits shall be removed or exported from the Isle of Man to any port or place in Great Britain or Ireland; and all goods carried brought shipped removed, or water-borne to be shipped removed or carried contrary hereto shall be forfeited; and every person who shall carry ship bring remove, or water-bear to be shipped removed or carried any goods contrary hereto, or who shall aid or be concerned therein, shall forfeit treble the duty-paid value of such goods or the sum of one hundred pounds, at the election of the Commissioners of Customs.