Conditions of bringing goods the growth or manufacture of Isle of Man into Great Britain or Ireland.
279. Any goods the growth of the Isle of Man, or there manufactured from materials the growth of the said isle, or from materials not subject to duties in Great Britain or Ireland, or from materials upon which the duty has been paid in Great Britain or Ireland, and upon which no drawback has been subsequently granted, may be brought from the said isle into Great Britain or Ireland without payment of any duty: Provided always, that any goods may nevertheless be charged with such proportion of such duties as shall fairly countervail any duties of Excise payable on the like sort of goods the produce of that part of Great Britain or Ireland into which they shall be brought, or payable upon any of the materials from which such goods are manufactured; and any articles either wholly or in part manufactured in the said isle from any materials upon which a higher duty is payable upon their importation into Great Britain or Ireland than on their importation into the Isle of Man, may be brought from the said isle into Great Britain or Ireland on payment of the duty payable on such goods in that part of Great Britain or Ireland into which they shall be so brought.