Boundaries of St. James’s parish, and of St. Katherine’s.
XIV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all that part of the now united parishes or vicarages of Saint Katherine’s, Saint James’s, and Saint John’s of Killmainham aforesaid, which lies on the west side of the water-course which parts Dolpin’s-barn and the earl of Meath’s liberty, and runs to the Pipes at Saint James’s-gate, and on the west side of that gate to the river Liffy, alias Anna Liffy, in a straight line over against the west side of the Bowling-green house, and all the particular streets, lanes, places, houses, grounds and lands on the said west side of the said water and straight line, now belonging to the said united vicarages or parishes of Saint Katherine’s, Saint James’s, and Saint John’s of Kilmainham aforesaid, shall be the parish of Saint James’s and, so for ever after the time aforesaid, shall be called, deemed and taken. And it is hereby declared and enacted by the authority aforesaid, that all the rest and residue of the said united parishes of Saint Katherine’s, Saint James’s, and Saint John’s of Kilmainham, not herein before taken out, or appointed for the said parish of Saint James’s, shall remain, and be the parish of Saint Katherine’s, and so for ever be called, deemed and taken.