After 1 June 1720, no goldsmith, &c. to work or put to sale any plate less in fineness than 11 oz. 2 dwt.
To be marked as prescribed by the laws for assaying of the standard of 11 oz. 10 dwt. Which laws are hereby continued.
3.Provided . . . always that from and after the said first day of June one thousand seven hundred and twenty, no goldsmith, silversmith, or other person whatsoever, shall work or make, or cause to be wrought or made, any silver vessel, plate, or manufacture of silver, less in fineness than that of eleven ounces and two peny weight of fine silver in every pound troy, or shall put to sale, exchange, or sell any silver vessel, plate, or manufacture of silver, made after the said first day of June one thousand seven hundred and twenty (unless it be silver wire or such things as in respect to their smallness are not capable of receiving a mark) until such time as such vessel, plate, or manufacture of silver shall be touched, assayed, and marked in manner and form prescribed by the said laws and statutes, or any of them, for touching, assaying, and marking of the said standard of eleven ounces and ten peny weight fine, at least, in every pound troy, in case the same standard had continued; and that all and every the rules, directions, powers, privileges, pains, penalties, forfeitures, clauses, matters, and things enacted or provided in or by any of the former laws and statutes of this realm, which at or until the time of making this Act were or are in force for preserving or securing the said standard of eleven ounces and ten peny weight of fine silver at least in every pound troy, or for touching, assaying, marking, or allowing for good the silver plate of that standard, shall be continued, applied, practised, and put in execution for preserving and securing the standard of eleven ounces and two peny weight of fine silver at least in every pound troy (by this Act revived and intended to be established), and for the touching, assaying, marking, and allowing the same, as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as if the same rules, directions, powers, privileges, pains, penalties, forfeitures, clauses, matters, and things were again particularly repeated and re-enacted in and by this present Act, any thing in the said former laws and statutes, or any of them, contained to the contrary notwithstanding.